preAP Biology 8.24.15 AGENDA Syllabus and Procedures Name Tents HOMEWORK Get contract signed Exam on 9/10 OBJECTIVE Establish classroom procedures and expectations. WARM UP What is biology?
preAP Biology 8.26.15 AGENDA New Seats! Turn in Signed Contract Set up Notebook Record and answer WU Question Observation Activity Shrinking Summary – Turn in today HOMEWORK Complete Unit Vocabulary Exam 9/10 OBJECTIVE Use observational skills to effectively communicate ideas. WARM UP What is science?
How detailed can you be? Rules You will have 5 minutes The describer will use observation skills and detailed descriptions to communicate the contents of the picture. The artist will attempt to recreate a drawing that closely resembles the picture. Sit with your backs to each other. Only the describer can see the picture. The artist is not allowed to talk. Describer is not allowed to look at the drawing. Color can be used. You will have 5 minutes
Quick Write You will have four minutes to answer the following question in your NB Copy the question at the top of your paper. Explain why it is important in science to have detailed descriptions of observations? How can two people observe the same image, but their descriptions can be different?
preAP Biology 8.28.2015 AGENDA Stamp Vocabulary WS Types of Investigations Activity Experimental Design KWL CORNELL NOTES W/VIDEO SKILL SHEET SCIENTIFIC METHOD PRACTICE HOMEWORK Finish KWL WS Write Questions and Summary for Notes Exam 9/10 OBJECTIVE Identify, describe and distinguish between the three types of investigations. Explain the essential components when designing and conduction experiments. WARM UP List the different types of experiments you have conducted in previous years of science. Video: Curiosity, discovery, and gecko feet
preAP Biology 9.1.15 AGENDA Turn in KWL WS Did you write Qs and Summary on your Notes?? Lab Day 1 HOMEWORK Complete Online Quiz #1 Exam 9/10 OBJECTIVE Use concepts of experimental design to conduct a scientific experiment. WARM UP List the steps of the scientific method.
Set Up NB On the top line of pages 21 – 24 write the following 9/1 Experimental Design Lab
Set up NB w/Ms. G
PURPOSE What is the ideal amount of water for seed germination?
VOCABULARY Germination: To develop into a plant or individual, as a seed, spore, or bulb. To put forth shoots, sprout.
VARIABLES INDEPENDENT VARIABLE DEPENDENT VARIABLE The amount of water in mL How many seeds germinate
VARIABLES Constants Type of seed Brand of paper towel Temperature Water source Number of seeds per bag The age of the seed Brand of plastic bag
HYPOTHESIS Write your own hypothesis for the experiment – remember it must be in an If, then statement or a simple statement AND it must be testable
MATERIALS 1 Pippete Water 3 Sheets of Paper towels 3 Plastic Bags 15 Lima Beans Permanent Marker
preAP Biology 9.3.15 AGENDA Lab – Day 2 Hand Out and Discuss Project Scientific Method Practice HOMEWORK Complete Lab Analysis Complete Scientific Method Practice Exam 9/10 Project Due… OBJECTIVE Use concepts of experimental design to conduct a scientific experiment. WARM UP What is the goal of a hypothesis?
Day 2 Experimental Design Record your results Make a graph Write your conclusion REFER TO SKILL SHEET!!
preAP Biology 9.8.15 AGENDA Stamp Lab Pages in INB Stamp Scientific Method Practice Answers Page Evaluating Graphs – Stamp Today HOMEWORK Exam Next class period Project Due OBJECTIVE Analyze, evaluate, make inferences, and predict trends from data. WARM UP Most experiments record data in a table. Why is it necessary to create a graph from the data?
preAP Biology 9.10.15 AGENDA Review (15 min) Collect Notebook Exam Unit 2 Vocabulary HOMEWORK Project Due OBJECTIVE Assess student knowledge and understanding of the unit concept. WARM UP What is a controlled experiment?