GVC MANCHESTER GOD'S VINEYARD CHURCH Empowering Lives Building Society


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Presentation transcript:

GVC MANCHESTER GOD'S VINEYARD CHURCH Empowering Lives Building Society WEEKLY PUBLICATION OF GOD’S VINEYARD CHURCH 19/08/12 ANNOUNCEMENTS PARABLES OF THE KINGDOM- PART 3 KINGDOM WORTH   Theme: The Seasoned King’s Daughter Variety Sunday Time: 8.30am-10.15am & 10.15am-1pm Date: Friday: 21st – Sunday 23rd of September 2012 Topic: Legacy of A Seasoned King’s Daughter Venue: God’s Vineyard Church, 292 Derby Road Nottingham. NG7 1QF Speakers: Highlights: Pastor (Mrs) Funmi Alawale (Host) Friday 21st of September President, Women of Excellence Ministry, Gods Vineyard Church, Nottingham. UK Opening Session: Time: 7pm-10pm. Saturday 22nd of September  Pastor (Mrs) Yemisi Ashimolowo Breakfast Meeting @The Indian Community Centre Association (ICCA)-99 Hucknall Road, Carrington Nottingham. NG5 1QZ Resident Pastor and Head of KICC’s Winning Women Ministry, London. UK Time: 8.30- 1pm  Pastor (Mrs) Dolapo Adelakun Topics: The Power of Preparation Associate Pastor Victory International Church, Oluyole Extension, Ibadan, Nigeria. Out Of The Shadows Into The Light  Symposium @Gods Vineyard Church, Auditorium, Nottingham.  Pastor (Mrs) Yemi Adeleke Time: 3pm-6pm President, Total Woman Ministry, RCCG House of Praise, London. Topics: Celebrate Your Uniqueness Add Zest To Life Leading Ladies (Ladies In The Fore Fronts)  And other anointed ministers of God! For more information call the Church Office on 01159472486  Sunday: 23rd of September @ Gods Vineyard Church Auditorium, Nottingham or visit our website: www.godsvineyardchcurch.org Come and be transformed into a seasoned King’s daughter. THE EXCELLENT WOMAN CONFERENCE 2012 DR E.O. ALAWALE – Senior Pastor “The Kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought the field”- Matthew 13:44   The Kingdom of heaven is more valuable than anything else we can have, and a person must be willing to give up everything to obtain it. The Kingdom of God is real and accessible but it has to be discovered. However, there can be no discovery without first seeking or searching. It is he who seeks that finds. People emigrate from a particular kingdom for a number of reasons, either because life in the kingdom is not comfortable, or it is hard, difficult and oppressive. There are kingdoms that offer limited opportunities, whereas others offer unlimited opportunities and privileges. The quality of life differs in different kingdoms. More often than not, the ignorance of what is available in other kingdoms makes people accept their situations as they are; it makes people complacent and prevents them from making efforts towards a change. Everything valuable or precious has to be hidden and secured. Whatever you receive without first desiring it has little or no value to you. You must desire a better life, a better home, a better lifestyle, a better future etc before you will be ready to pay the price required in possessing it. The proof of desire is pursuit. It is only in the kingdom of God that there is an offer of overflowing life. It is in the kingdom of God that peace, joy, righteousness and the grace of God amongst others are available. The Lord Jesus has paid the price to make all things available in the Kingdom. The Holy Spirit guarantees everything the kingdom promises. Everyone who discovers the kingdom, values it as a precious treasure. As you discover the glory of the kingdom, you know that nothing compares to it. Nothing is worth being exchanged for it; kingdom glory transforms every life and every family, it delivers God’s glorious destiny into one’s hand. As you discover and possess the kingdom, your life’s perspective changes, your sense of value becomes true, your priorities in life change. You see vanity as vanity and you imbibe the enduring principles and the values of the kingdom of God.   The onus is on us all to seek God more and more, and He will reveal the treasures of the kingdom to us. As we seek God and encounter Him, we will be equipped to possess the things that have been freely given to us. You must guard and protect the kingdom you have discovered and possessed, we must protect its values and its culture. With joy, we should do away with vanities and the things that do not have enduring value. We must do away with things that will compete with the glory of God in our lives, we must conform ourselves fully to the Word of God, and not the systems of this world. We cannot live in two kingdoms at the same time; neither can we enjoy the benefits of two kingdoms at the same time. We have more than enough to live a fulfilled and satisfying life in God’s kingdom. GOD BLESS YOU! GOD’S VINEYARD CHURCH MMU STUDENT UNION BUILDING 99 Oxford Road, Manchester M1 7EI Tel: 07825953361 Email: info@godsvineyardchurch.org Website: www.godsvineyardchurch.org MEETING TIMES Sunday 10.00am – 12.30pm