BT Business Superfast Broadband and New Business Technology
BT Business How superfast broadband will change the way we work – and what BT Business customers are doing with it already Lisa Ravenscroft Head of Fibre Broadband and Value-Added Services BT Business
BT Business 1) Mass access to broadband has already changed society and commerce in many ways – some of them a little surprising 2) The superfast revolution is accelerating these trends, and enabling some new ones 3) Businesses, business models and the skills required to capitalise are all changing
BT Business Its really changing how we access knowledge In about as radical a way as the printing press did Content is being democratised – and commoditised
BT Business Its really changing how we trade Well spend $1.4trillion online by 2015 Ecommerce transactions are growing 19% YoY, globally
BT Business Its even changing our political norms During revolutionary activity in Egypt in 2011, the internet was turned off The denial of internet access to the public as a political weapon – thats new…
BT Business And apparently even our brains… The Economist thinks were developing A generation of magpie minds Nicholas Carrs book The Shallows investigates the multitasking, connected culture and its impact on memory, learning and reading
BT Business In sum, were communicating more - and differently 107 trillion s sent in 2010 (thats 107,000,000,000,000) 25 billion tweets – some of them about your companies A brand new paradigm – one to many communication
BT Business This reliance on connectivity has pushed broadband provision onto the national political agenda
BT Business So what is superfast broadband?
BT Business Openreach is rolling out the Next Generation Access network in the UK – using fibre optic cable which can carry lots more data than traditional copper wire
BT Business That involves laying fibre optic cable between telephone exchanges and street cabinets, for FTTC And bringing the fibre optic cable all the way into the building, for FTTP
BT Business £2.5bn investment to reach two thirds of the UK More than 500 exchanges live already 40k cabinets will be installed Passing c. 60,000 new premises per week 5m+ premises passed already, on track for 10 million in pilot FTTP sites, 11,000 premises passed 45 communications providers are using BTs fibre services BT Infinity launched in January 2010 Over 200,000 customers up & running 7,000 new orders each week And were connecting every type of business 40Mb/s download; 10Mb/s upload Doubling to 80Mb/s; 20Mb/s soon
BT Business Fibre broadband is getting faster and faster, and its going to be everywhere
BT Business Mass connectivity has had observable impacts on society and business Its high on the political agenda Superfast broadband is the next part of the story But what does this mean for businesses and the working populace?
BT Business Why is it important for businesses? Productivity Cost savings Competitive edge Hosted & site based VoiP Video conferencing reduces need for travel IP-based CCTV, viewable in real-time from home Utilise more cloud computing resources No more overnight backups Send & receive large files in seconds Make home working a reality Carry out bandwidth hungry tasks simultaneously Connectivity like running water Confidence to embrace digital marketing Additional customer support channels Enabling rural businesses to compete with city based competitors Never let your broadband embarrass you
BT Business Cloud: a place where your business things are stored off your premises, by someone else -Changing the role of the IT manager -New considerations at board level, like data security -Familiar applications in the cloud Scalable, cheaper always up-to-date and will lower IT overhead
BT Business Familiar applications like Microsoft Office can now be accessed from the cloud via any device Inexpensive monthly subscription per user Ubiquitous, evergreen, elastic
BT Business Upload and download speeds need to be fast for a seamless cloud experience 3. Processing in the Cloud 2. Upload of input 1. Input of Request 4. Download of Output 5. Display of Output
BT Business This design and print company unlocked quantifiable cost and time savings We can now compete with the bigger guys but remain leaner and more flexible Seamus Breslin, Design Manager A print and design company Enjoying speeds 20 times faster than previous connection Saving two hours a day from being able to download large artwork and image files in five minutes instead of fifteen No need to invest in an expensive back-up facility as can now optimise using the cloud Estimate savings of £7,500 a year on maintaining back-up systems, network and intranet
BT Business Digital communication: embrace it, or tolerate it? -Monitor your market, however small -Research customer behaviour Learning - Engage in social marketing - Operate a customer service arm Doing
BT Business Businesses need people who can do this stuff...and do it Conversations with 3500 unique customers per month No hard selling Giving value and advice on problems Woven into traditional and non- traditional contact methods (live chat, call centres, online diagnostics)
BT Business This family picture and mirror manufacturer has expanded into an overseas market We are in a business where quality of image is everything. We switched to superfast and everything changed. John Paul Annett, JR Annett Genuine catalyst for expansion into the UK market – credible content and photographs circumvent the geographical distance Fulfilled their online creative vision Video content shows the design and manufacturing skill behind the end product HD catalogue instantly ed to customers Went from 4Mb to 40Mb
BT Business Weve got leisure industry customers doing smart things with Wi-Fi and streaming video A live Skype link-up with a winery in New Zealand…free Wi-Fi for visitors A seaside restaurant and hotel Wine-tasting evening with a difference The international expert host doesnt need to move from his sofa in New Zealand Enabled by superfast broadband - no jitter or latency in the video stream
BT Business This arts centre has unlocked a new revenue stream, enjoyed cost savings and started to stream content over the internet It has dramatically improved not only our service offering but also the way the company is run. Graham Hill, Chapter Arts Centre Three fibre lines, each performing a different function Up to 20 customers enjoying fast, secure wi-fi in the café – enhancing ARPU as this encourages longer stays Streaming films and content without suffering jitter or lag Crowd-pleasing browsing, ing and file sharing for the back office staff 150 employee business Play video
BT Business In summary… Were at a technological tipping point as the superfast broadband rollout reaches scale The willingness and skills to take advantage of new business applications, in or out of the cloud, will give competitive advantage and cost-cutting opportunities for every business Capacity before capability –The capacity is here and is growing – businesses who are developing smart capabilities enabled by superfast will win in their market
BT Business Thank you