More Ornithology Practice


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Presentation transcript:

More Ornithology Practice Numero dos 1/4/10

A B Passeriformes; Parulidae; Icteria virens (Yellow-breasted Chat) Large size, stout bill, long tail; display flight--hovering with slow, deep-flapping wings and dangling feet; also mimics other birds’ songs. Habitat loss from deforestation, which also leads to increased brood parasitism from Brown-headed Cowbirds

A B C A: Charadriiformes, Jacanidae, Jacana spinosa (Jacana spinosa) B: Charadriiformes, Recurvirostridae, Recurvirostra americana (American Avocet) C: Gruiformes, Rallidae, Rallus longirostris (Clapper Rail) Extreeeeeemely long toes and claws allow it to walk on floating plantsappears to walk on water Breeding adult has entire head and neck a darker rusty color. Winter adult has gray head and neck. “Saltmarshes and mangrove swamps”

Piciformes; Picidae; Colaptes auratus (Northern Flicker) Females—no colored stripe on chin area. Mainly ants, also other insects. Forages on ground and uses long tongue to catch food. Rising and falling, alternating flapping and gliding.

Passeriformes; Tyrannidae; Tyrannus verticalis (Western Kingbird) Pastures on the resulting land = lots of insects! In trees or similar manmade things (poles, fence posts) Wool, cotton, hair, feathers, cloth

A B Both: Passeriformes; A: Icteridae, Dolichonyx oryzivorus (Bobolink); B: Emberizidae, Calamospiza melanocorys (Lark Bunting) Only American bird with white on back and black below. Yellowish with brown streaks and stripes on crown. Grasslands and meadows Colorado Attempting to drink from livestock water tanks.

Passeriformes; Alaudidae; Eremophila alpestris (Horned Lark) Walking/running Adults usually eat seeds, but feed insects to young Open land—colonizes mowed areas around airports

Passeriformes; Emberizidae; Calcarius lapponicus (Lapland Longspur) Black face and chest, yellowy eyestripe Arctic tundra! Longspur = elongated hind toe

Passeriformes; Cinclidae; Cinclus mexicanus (American Dipper) Low metabolic rate, extra oxygen-carrying capacity in its blood, and a thick coat of feathers (yes, plagiarism =\) In swift streams—swims and walks along river bottom Domed/ball-like structure with two shells

A B B Falconiformes!; Acciptridae; Buteo swainsoni (Swainson’s Hawk) Western Kingbird, but I meant to ask for family here. Lo siento. Most likely defending its territory from that pesky intruding hawk. Older ones kill and eat the younger ones… Open grasslands, farmlands, shrublands

Passeriformes; Fringillidae; Coccothraustes vespertinus (Evening Grosbeak) Coniferous forests Crack open large seeds Sunflower seeds