Elements of Culture Four main elements: symbols, language, values, norms Fifth element? Technology
Elements of Culture Symbols Anything that carries a particular meaning
Elements of Culture Language A system of symbols that allows people to communicate with one another Cultural transmission process by which one generation passes culture to the next Does language shape reality? Sapir-Whorf thesis – people see and understand the world through language
Elements of Culture Values and Beliefs V culturally defined standards that people use to decide what is desirable, good and beautiful and that serve as broad guidelines for social living B specific statements that people hold to be true
Which is most like you? Personal control over the environment Fate – whatever happens was meant to be
Which is most like you? Change is great. Tradition is great.
Which is most like you? I have a schedule and I’m sticking to it. It’s more important to spend extra time with family and friends.
Which is most like you? Everybody should be treated the same. We are all equal. Some people – because of jobs, family, or wealth – are “better” than others.
Which is most like you? I am a unique individual. What I do is my business and mine alone. I am part of a larger group. What I do reflects on my family and my country.
Which is most like you? If I want something, it is up to me to get it. If I want something, I rely on my family and friends to help me get it.
Which is most like you? Life is a competition. You have to be the best in order to succeed in life. Life is a “group activity”. To be successful you need to work well with others.
Which is most like you? My future is bright. The past was better than now.
Which is most like you? I can’t sit still for long. I like to be doing something. I could sit and day dream for hours and hours.
Which is most like you? There are many people more than 5 years older than me that I am friends with. People that are older than me deserve my respect and honor.
Which is most like you? If I don’t like something, I am going to say something or do something about it. If I don’t like something, I’m just going to put up with it.
Which is most like you? I am very practical. (Realistic) I am an idealist. (Optimistic)
Which is most like you? I want a good job so that I can buy lots of things. I don’t need a lot in life. I prefer to keep things simple.
Which is most like you? “Western” Values “Others” Values Personal control over the environment Change Time & it’s control Equality Individualism and Privacy Self-help or self-made Competition Looking to the future Focus on action or work Informality Direct/Open/Honest Practical and Efficient Materialist (Desire to Acquire) Fate Tradition Human interaction Hierarchy/rank/status Concerned with the group’s welfare Group help or inheritance Cooperation Looking to the past Focus on just being Formality Indirectness/ritual/saving ‘face’ Idealism Spiritualism
Elements of Culture Values and Beliefs 10 “American” Values Equal opportunity Achievement based on merit Material comfort Active not passive Practical and efficient Progress Science Democracy Freedom of choice Racism and group superiority
Elements of Culture Norms: Rules and expectations by which a society guides the behavior of its members Mores norms that are widely observed and have great moral significance Folkways norms for routine or casual interaction Laws norms that are written down and enforced by an official agency Taboos norms that society holds so strongly that violating it results in extreme disgust
Elements of Culture Norms Social control attempts by society to regulate people’s thoughts and behaviors Shame – painful sense that other disapprove of our actions Guilt – a negative judgment we make of ourselves
Elements of Culture Norms What are some examples of things you would never want a friend to do in the presence of your parents? What are some examples of things you would never want your parents to do in the presence of your friends? If you "just know" a rule, it is a cultural norm
Elements of Culture Technology is good because… Technology is bad because…