Computer Technology Networks & Internet
Network Computers and other devices (printers or scanners) that are connected, in order to share data and resources.
Client* The software on a computer that allows the user to access the server Server* A computer that supplies its users with data usually with the use of a LAN
Broadband A telecommunication signal of greater bandwidth than another standard signal The broader the band, the greater the capacity for traffic
Wireless The transfer of information over a distance through the AIR, not wires. The distances involved may be short (a few feet as in TV remote control) or long (thousands of miles for radio).
Firewall* A security system that limits the exposure from hackers Commonly used on local area networks that are connected to the internet.
Gateway A device that serves as an entrance to another network.
IP Address A unique identifying number assigned to each computer connected to a network or the Internet. Example –
DNS - Domain Name System A system for converting hostnames and domain names into IP addresses on the Internet or LAN. For example, when a Web site address is given to the DNS by typing a URL in a browser, DNS servers return the IP address of the server associated with that name.
VPN - Virtual Private Network A network that allows remote offices or individuals to securely connect to the network. The process of securely connecting to a VPN is called “tunneling”
PSN - Packet-Switched Network A communications network that uses packet switching technology.
Group Policy Gives users administrative control over people and computers in the user's network.
LAN*- Local Area Network Computer network that is located within a limited geographical area, such as a school or small business. Example Wahlquist’s Network
WAN - Wide Area Network * Interconnected computers and peripherals that cover a large geographical area, such as multiple buildings. Examples The Weber School District Network The Internet
AUP –Acceptable Use Policy* Users agree to use the network properly. It keeps the network safe. Examples – limits on web surfing or online chatting
Username – Login name Password A unique name that identifies someone on a computer system Password A word, numbers and/or symbols, kept confidential.
Resources Parsons, June Jamrich, and Dan Oja. Computer Concepts. Boston: Course Technology - Thompson Learning, 2002. Sept 2013 Sept 2013