Anglo-Saxon Period and Middle Ages (449-1485) Germanic Tribes (Angles, Saxons, Jutes) invaded in 449 what is now known as England (Angle-land)
History Danish Invasions During the 8th and 9th centuries, England was being attacked. Why? Danes took over most of England until ALFRED THE GREAT retaliated and reclaimed England in 878. King Alfred and, later his heirs, kept the country at peace.
Merging cultures… William I, having killed to stake claim to the throne, became England’s first king from France. Feudalism: land was given from the King to lords who then gave pieces of land to vassals in exchange for military service. Chivalry: knights wanted to be honorable, generous, brave, skillful in battle, respectful to women, and helpful to the weak.
Values of Anglo-Saxon Society… Followed a heroic code of behavior… Bravery Loyalty to one’s lord Willingness to avenge one’s lord without thought of personal danger. Death was preferable to exile. Lords would give heroes gifts to show gratitude (a special sword) Heroism brings honor, eternal fame, and political power
Values (cont.) Women were peace-weavers—married men from enemy states to bring peace to warring kingdoms (didn’t always work) Songs, tale-telling, and boasting inscribe deeds in the cultural memory—the scop (singer of tales) plays a major role in storytelling. Boasting and fame were important to heroes because pagan religion offered no hope of an afterlife, thus fame was needed for IMMORTALITY.
Values cont. (why the mixture?) pagan beliefs Eternal earthly fame through deeds Honor and gift giving Revenge Battles, deaths, etc. happen because of fate (meant to happen), and nothing can change it. Christian beliefs Afterlife in heaven or hell Sinful to be prideful Forgiveness Man’s future is controlled by God.
The First Crusade Pope Urban called for a war (1096) for Christians to recover the Holy Land (Jerusalem) from the Turks (Muslims). He promised: “the reward of imperishable glory in the kingdom of heaven” for all who fought. Christians took over the land and were victorious in 1099.
The Model Parliament In 1215, barons forced King John (unpopular) to sign the Magna Carta. What two things did the Magna Carta provide the people of England?
Peasant’s Revolt What were they revolting against? Walter Tyler organized a protest, leading villagers to attack the city. Why was Walter Tyler’s death a “dirty” one?
Food and Fashion Rich Poor Looked uniformed, covered, and modest (see pg. 37) Ate rich, fattening foods (cheese, meat, gravy). Being overweight was a sign of wealth. Poor “No plowman, oxheard, etc. should wear anything but cheap cloth or blanket.” (37) Ate vegetables and high fiber (to keep them full). Basically, what they grew in their gardens.
Life of the Times Knights had tournaments to show off their skills Jugglers, acrobats, storytellers, musicians provided entertainment. Most people couldn’t read; therefore, stained glass windows in churches told stories of the Bible. Caxton set up the first printer in 1476. Why is this important?
Language of the time Old English (450-1150) Two main sources were from Celtic people and invading Germanic tribes. Almost half of Modern English comes from ________and __________. French was the language of the UPPER CLASSES. No king of England spoke English as his 1st language until the 1400s.
Language of the Time (cont.) Middle English (1150-1500): Linguistic diversity was so great that people in different parts of England couldn’t understand one another. Spelling and sentence structure was more simple.