PeopleSoft User Group Meeting Thursday Apr 26, 2018 Budgets, General Ledger & Accounts Receivable
Breakout Session Agenda Budgets, General Ledger & Accounts Receivable User Group (Annex C) DISCUSSION: What questions do you have about the PeopleSoft upgrade for the people who attended the hands-on preview on Friday, 4/20/18? Show and Tell Trial Balance – Oceanside enhanced the Financial Accounting GL Trial Balance tool What are other organizations doing for a Income Statement / Trial Balance reporting Discussions Reporting How are organizations handling multi-year reporting? What useful query has anyone developed after completing Query Manager Training? Other reporting needs discussion Does anyone have budget processes, best practices, timelines, checklists they have developed?
Breakout Session Discussion What questions do you have about the PeopleSoft upgrade for the people who attended the hands-on preview on Friday, 4/20/18?
Breakout Session Discussion Show and Tell Trial Balance Enhancements – Oceanside Justine Galura enhanced the Financial Accounting GL Trial Balance tool
Show and Tell: GL Trial Balance Tool Enhancements Oceanside Started with the GL Trial Balance tool created by Financial Accounting
Show and Tell: GL Trial Balance Tool Enhancements Oceanside Updated original tool to include descriptions for Fund and Resource Required adding new spreadsheet tab for loading description information: COA_LOOKUPS
Show and Tell: GL Trial Balance Tool Enhancements Oceanside How to load Fund descriptions into new tab: COA_LOOKUPS Run the 90_COA_FUND query Copy the fund and description Paste the copied data to the GL trail balance spreadsheet – COA_LOOKUPS tab columns A and B
Show and Tell: GL Trial Balance Tool Enhancements Oceanside How to load Resource description into new tab: COA_LOOKUPS Run the FAR_COA_RESOURCE query Copy the resource and description Paste the copied data to the GL trail balance spreadsheet – COA_LOOKUPS tab columns D and E
Show and Tell: GL Trial Balance Tool Enhancements Oceanside How to load descriptions for 4 digit resource There is no query to assist with this and requires manually entering the 4 digit in new tab: COA_LOOKUPS tab columns G and H Tip – need to be update COA_LOOKUPS tab each time a new Fund or Resource is added
Show and Tell: GL Trial Balance Tool Enhancements Oceanside Added additional columns of useful information Encumbrance and Pre-Encumbrance amounts Required adding new spreadsheet tab for loading encumbrance information: ENCUMBRANCE DATA
Show and Tell: GL Trial Balance Tool Enhancements Oceanside Added additional columns to each report to provide useful calculation results Account Balance (formula = Budget - Actuals – Encumbrance Pre-Encumbrance) Percent Spent and Encumbered to budget (formula = (Actuals + Encumbrance + Pre-Encumbrance) / Budget) Updated spreadsheet with formulas to populate the Fund / Resource Descriptions and Encumbrance Amounts into the various reports Logic tab for the basic formulas to know how to populate the different reports Report tabs to identify which reports and where to populate the additional information
Show and Tell: GL Trial Balance Tool Enhancements Oceanside Example of report template after adding the additional information
Show and Tell: GL Trial Balance Tool Enhancements Oceanside How to load the monthly Encumbrance and Pre-Encumbrance Amounts Run the FAR_ENCUMBRANCE_LEDGERS query Copy and paste the data in the added tab “ENCUMBRANCE DATA” Tip – the load process is similar to the process for loading Actuals and Budgets
Show and Tell: GL Trial Balance Tool Enhancements Oceanside Example after loading monthly Encumbrance and Pre-Encumbrance Amounts Monthly processing takes 5 - 10 minutes to complete New information identified with red box
Show and Tell: GL Trial Balance Tool Enhancements Oceanside Original reports enhanced to include the new information 1 BDGT v ACT by Fund is an income statement report that shows budget and actuals by major object code for the given fund 2 BDGT v ACT Unrest & Rest is an income statement report similar to report 1, but broken down between restricted and unrestricted resources 3 BDGT v ACT Fd & 4 Digit Res is an income statement report for the given fund and 4-digit resource 4 BDGT v ACT Fd & 7 Digit Res is an income statement report for the given fund and 7-digit resource REPORT 4 is a summary GL trial balance sheet report that uses the four digit resource and includes all the activity in the sub-resources that roll up to the 1st four digits
Show and Tell: Discussion What are other organizations doing for Trial Balance reporting?
Discussions Reporting How are organizations handling multi-year reporting? What useful queries has anyone developed after completing Query Manager Training? Other reporting needs discussion
Discussion Budgeting Does anyone have budget processes, best practices, timelines, checklists they have developed?