Medical Abbreviations Letter “c” Ankita Patil & Hafsah Shaik
Clostridium difficile Calcium Cancer Coronary artery bypass graft _ C (with line over it) c/o: Cc: C. DIFF: Ca: CA: CABG: CAD: Cal: Cath: With Complains of Chief complaint Clostridium difficile Calcium Cancer Coronary artery bypass graft Coronary artery disease Calorie Catheter/catheterization
CAT: CT: CBC: CBD: CBR: CCU: CHF: CDC: CEO: computerized axial tomography cat scan complete blood count common bile duct complete bed rest coronary care unit congestive heart failure centers for disease control and prevention chief executive officer
chloride/clear liquids Complications chronic obstructive pulmonary disease cardiopulmonary resuscitation culture and sensitivity cerebrospinal fluid cervical spine clear to auscultation clear to auscultation and percussion cerebrocvascular accident or costovertebral angle cancel/contra-indications Cl: CM or cm: COPD: CPR: C&S: CSF: C- spine: CTA: CTAP: CVA: Cx :