National Assembly Budget Hearings: 16 May 2001
Municipal Rationalisation The Board has decided that there will be: 6 (A Category) Metropolitan areas (Pretoria and Durban have TAs within them) 47 (C category) District Municipalities (30 have TAs within them) 231 (B category) Local Municipalities (114 have TAs within them) District Management Areas in 26 of the District Councils.
Board’s Corporate Governance Board meets at least once a month Executive Committee (dealing with administrative and finance issues) meets once a month Corporate Services Committee (dealing with Institutional policy) meets once a month Audit Committee meets approximately once a month Operational committees/workshops
Administration Pre-elections Manager Special Advisor Two Deputy Managers (Corporate and Professional) Seven Administrative staff One professional staff
Administration post-elections Manager Special Advisor Head Finance and one staff Head Administration and three staff Head GIS and two professional staff
Employment Equity at the Board The administrative staff of the Board is composed as follows: Blacks 8 persons (72,7%) Females 5 persons (45,5%) Whites 3 persons (27,3%) Males 6 persons (54,5%) Disabled nil The consultants employed: at least 50% ‘African’ far fewer women.
Matters arising 2000/2001 Two resignations from Board to date Administration: (I) Disciplinary action and dismissal of Manager; (ii) Institutional restructuring (3 positions made redundant and 3 professional positions created) Litigation: 8 cases, only one outstanding
Activities 2000/2001 Year Policy work Identification nodal points Ad Hoc demarcations Determination of Category A, B, C municipalities Delimitation of Ward boundaries Assessments of municipal capacity Recommendations on municipal functions and powers Assistance with alignment of government boundaries Information provision Developing and maintaining integrated data base
Key Performance Areas Key Performance Area 1: Determine And Re-Determine Municipal Boundaries In Accordance With Relevant Legal Provisions. Key Performance Area 2: Delimit Each Municipality That Qualifies To Have Wards, Into Wards. Key Performance Area 3: Make Recommendations To MECs Pertaining To Transitional Authorisations For The Performance Of Functions. Key Performance Area 4: Assess The Capacity Of Each Municipality To Determine Whether The Municipality Is In A Position To Perform Its Functions And To Exercise Its Powers. Key Performance Area 5: Provide Advice To Departments On The Alignment Of Functional/ Service Delivery Boundaries With Municipal Boundaries. Key Performance Area 6: Develop An Integrated Data Base, Maintain Web Site And Popularise Through Sa Explorer. Key Performance Area 7: Provide Advice And Information To Departments. Key Performance Area 8: Perform Such Other Functions As May Be Required Key Performance Area 9: Empower The Manager Of The MDB To Build An Effective And Efficient Administration To Support The Board In The Performance Of Its Functions.
1. Determine and redetermine boundaries
2. Delimitation of wards
3. Transition: Advice to MECs/Minister
4. Capacity assessments
5. Boundary alignment
6. Integrated Data Base
7. Advice and information
8. Other functions as required
9. Institutional efficiency and effectiveness
Budgetary issues MTEF reduction: From over R30 million to R12 million Fixed costs have increased Information needs have increased Need for integrated approach Reduce ‘duplication’ Ensure cost-effectiveness