Unit 1 Design Challenge: Holiday Fundraiser
Define the Problem Problem: We need to fundraise a bit of money for printer plastic. Goal: Design a “Holiday” decoration that could be sold to help raise money
Do background research What kind of decorations would people be interested in? Consider polling or surveying people as to what they would be interested in.
Specify requirements Small and/or using little plastic (to maximize profit)
Brainstorm, Evaluate and Choose Come up with as many ideas as you can: Quantity over quality Combine ideas Evaluate and pick one
Develop a Solution Each person in your group is going to use CAD (Tinkercad or Inventor) to design a solution. Because our printers are not functional yet, as a group, you will decide which one it the best, and we will 3D print one per group. Your group will use a decision matric to decide the best.
Test Solution Print it.
Evaluate (Solution meets or only partially meets requirements) Go back and make changes You have additions things to do for your evaluation: You will need to determine the cost of your decoration You will need to take a survey to determine what the best price will be.
It costs $15 for a spool 1 spool = 1 kg 1 spool = 110 meters
Communicate results Gallery walk when we are done.