WBS 5.0 LCLS Strategic Projects Division


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Presentation transcript:

WBS 5.0 LCLS Strategic Projects Division John N. Galayda 18 February 2009 FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 1

FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 2

SPD Mission Projects: On Time, On Budget, On Spec LCLS Construction ($420M, 2002-2010) LUSI Construction ($ 60M, 2006-2012) PULSE Construction ($ 11M, 2008-2011) SLI Construction ($81M-$97.4M, 2009-2014) Deliver the planning and implementation of next generation upgrades and major modifications of LCLS WBS 5.3 FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 3

WBS Description 5.1 SPD Management 5.1.1 SPD Mgmt 5.1.2 SPD Admin 5.2 Construction Projects 5.3 Future Projects FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 4

SPD Activities, Budget WBS 5.3 FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 5

WBS 5.3 Future Projects 5.3.1 LCLS Undulator 1 5.3.3 Injector Test Facility 5.3.4 LCLS Undulator 2 5.3.5 LCLS Undulator 3 5.3.6 LCLS Hutch 6 Instrument FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 6

WBS 5.3 Future Projects Science Drivers http://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/aboutssrl/documents/future_xrays_09.pdf X-Ray Time Structure—Complete Control of Longitudinal Phase Space Full Transverse Coherence Quasi-CW (up to 1 GHz) sources with average flux and/or brightness substantially beyond existing sources in the hard and/or soft x-ray range. Short-pulse sources with high repetition rates (up to 1 MHz) providing average flux and/or brightness substantially beyond existing sources in the hard and/or soft x-ray range. Soft x-ray tunability (throughout the transition-metal L-edges) and polarization control and modulation. Hard x-ray tunability and energy range extending to 100 keV. FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 7

5.3.1 LCLS Undulator 1 Goal: Determine feasibility of variable gap Extend operating wavelength of LCLS to 1.0 or 0.8 Angstrom @ 13.6 GeV May require improvements in gun performance (under study as part of LCLS commissioning) FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 8

5.3.1 LCLS Undulator 1 LCLS Project goals chosen to control technical risks related to gun performance 0.8 – 8.0 keV Fixed gap device Control technical risks FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 9

5.3.1 LCLS Undulator 1 Technical progress toward variable gap devices at Spring8 and DESY Spring-8 DESY FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 10

5.3.1 LCLS Undulator 1 2009 June: production of a technical report surveying status of R&D for variable-gap FEL undulators at DESY, SPring-8, ANL and LBNL September: production of a technical report proposing a conceptual design for a prototype variable gap LCLS undulator, making maximum use of existing LCLS undulator system hardware. this report will include a proposal for prototype construction and testing in FY2010. FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 11

5.3.3 Injector Test Facility LCLS performance can be improved and expanded if gun performance is improved Use of the LCLS Injector for gun R&D poses too great a risk to operation Stand-alone test facility is essential Also sets the stage for expansion FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 12

5.3.3 Injector Test Facility Similar facilities supporting XFEL, SCSS SCSS Test Accelerator PITZ Photoinjector Test Facility SPring-8 Harima, Japan DESY, Zeuthen, Germany FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 13

5.3.3 Injector Test Facility SSRL Gun Test Facility laid the foundation for the LCLS Project Top-up operation of SPEAR-3 makes it impractical to continue gun development there FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 14

5.3.3 Injector Test Facility 2009 April: LCLS Physics Requirements Document for an Injector Test Facility June: Production of an Engineering Specifications Document for the Injector Test Facility; June: a written report recommending site selection September: a detailed cost estimate for the injector test facility based on actual LCLS costs and site-specific considerations. FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 15

5.3.4 LCLS Undulator 2 280-2,000 eV FEL using Endsta. A Short (~1 fs) pulse capability High peak brightness Seeding/temporal control Possible hard XR spontaneous afterburner Simultaneous Operation with Undulator 1 >2X increase in productivity of LCLS Assuming “hard” x-ray beam can be split/shared FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 16

5.3.4 LCLS Undulator 2 Very high peak powers possible, enabling more photons for ultrashort pulses Will design-in provision for seeding Seed laser is subject of LDRD Saturation Length, m 1.8 x 1012 photons/fs Peak Power, GW 1.5-15 Å 1.5-5 nm pulsed dipoles 4.3 GeV 250 MeV ESA 13.6 GeV 4.5 x 1011 photons/fs FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 17

15 Å, 1.2 fs 20-pC Bunch at 4.3 GeV, 15 Angstrom Single Spike w/o seeding z = 25 m (power profile at z = 25 m varies from shot to shot due to noisy startup) Y. Ding 15 Å, z = 25 m, 2.41011 photons, Ipk = 2.6 kA, ge  0.4 µm 1.2 fs LCLS FEL simulation at 15 Å based on measured injector beam and Elegant tracking, with CSR, at 20 pC. FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 18

5.3.4 LCLS Undulator 2 2009 June: Technical report surveying the energy dependence of x-ray beam properties for a FEL in End Station A, including temporal coherence control and overall pulse duration September: Technical report describing target performance capabilities and cost estimate for a complete facility. FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 19

5.3.5 LCLS Undulator 3 Plan for 2nd undulator in the tunnel 30 keV? Soft/Hard XR pump/probe? IR/XR pump/probe Compatible with simultaneous operation of other LCLS sources FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 20

LCLS Undulators 1,2 & 3 XR Optics & Test Beam Undulator 2 XR Instruments XR Optics & Test Beam Undulator 2 Undulator 2 construction while LCLS operates Concurrent operation with Undulator 1 Compatible with FACET, test beams in ESA Undulator 1 & 3 soft/hard pump/probe in Near Expt Hall extension of spectrum to 24+ keV Undulator 3 Undulator 1 FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 21

5.3.5 LCLS Undulator 3 2009: August: a technical report describing alternative configurations of the SLAC accelerator complex for a 24 keV FEL and for a "2-color" beamline delivering pulses of soft and hard x-rays to a single sample in one of the LCLS hutches in the near- or far-halls October: a rough cost estimate for creating this capability at SLAC FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 22

5.3.6 Hutch 6 Instrument In anticipation of funding for an instrument supporting study of matter in extreme environments (ME2) Overall budget being developed Contributed hardware Cash Installation/integration FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 23

5.3.6 Hutch 6 Instrument 2009 September: Completion of a scoping study report for a Hutch 6 instrument. FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 24

Special Needs 2009 scoping studies, no prototyping 2010 2011-2012 No additional space requirements 2010 setup space for U1 prototyping 2011-2012 other needs contingent on results Line-item funding required if R&D is successful FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 25

WBS 5.STRATEGIC PROJECTS FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 26

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WBS 5.STRATEGIC PROJECTS FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 28

WBS 5 Strategic Projects FY09 Linac Ops Review Page 29