Integrating Easements with the Design System June 13, 2012 John McMurray Manager of Engineering Services Sumter Electric Cooperative, Inc.
SECO Overview 2,000+ sq. miles 7 counties 178,000 members 15,000 easements 2
15,000+ in boxes & cabinets 4,000 from in boxes not recorded Remainder organized by S-T-R in cabinets Stored at HQ – time consuming for employees at remote locations to research 2005 Easement Storage Situation 3
SECO easement map books (by county) in poor condition Ripped covers & torn sheets Dating from the 1940s Illegible handwriting No duplicate or backup documents Easement Issues 4
SECOs oldest easements faded & difficult to read torn pages no duplicate or backup 1937 easement Easement Issues (cont.) 5
Not available to all required personnel Some easements misfiled Research efforts were painstakingly time-consuming 6
Easement Integration Steps 1.Scan all easements 2.Index easement fields in Laserfiche 3.Send RFP to hyperlink easements in GIS 7
1. Scanning Easements 8 High school student scanned all easements
2. Indexing in Laserfiche 9 Index & search up to 30 fields Established enterprise storage solution - Laserfiche Easements Work orders Accounting Much more
3. RFP for Easement Linkage to GIS 10 Request for Proposal Access to all employees who require it Digital archiving Quicker access for employees Visual overlay in GIS Multi-field searchable database Improved member response
Easement Integration Merged land data from each county into GIS Normalized the data to fit our GIS formats Infotech programmers (India) created easement polygons in GIS linked easements to polygons. 11
Easement Status 12
Easement Polygons 13
Easement Hyperlink in GIS 14
Construction Work Plan (CWP) Extract 15 RECONDUCTOR ROUTE
Construction Work Plan Extract Extract of parcel owners along reconductor route retrieved in 2 hours previously took 2 to 3 days using county records 16
Easement Acquisition Process 17 Redefined with process improvements
All easements scanned, stored in Laserfiche & linked to GIS Easement records are accessible at remote locations Created spin-off application for retrieving parcel owners Redefined easement acquisition process Significantly reduced time to research easements Improved member response Easement Summary 18
Easement Integration 19 Questions?