How to progress with proposed MIWP action MIWP-3 on access control


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Presentation transcript:

How to progress with proposed MIWP action MIWP-3 on access control Michael Lutz MIG-T meeting, 11-12 March 2015, Madrid

ARE3NA AAA study and software Not easy: varying standards require an agreed approach The testbed worked, including automated access to validate protected services Competing solutions meant participants left the experiments

ARE3NA WP 2015 Extend the testbed to involve more testers (e.g INSPIRE organisations, OSKARI) towards an operational federation Identify typical use cases in different sectors Define users’ roles for GI services Explore PoC of ECAS-STORK (using eID services) could meet geoportals’ business needs (feedback to ECAS-STORK) Use eIDs associated with the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Digital Serviced Infrastructures (DSI) in the testbed

How to proceed with this topic? Limited feedback on ARE3NA study MIWP-3 has not (yet) been endorsed Will this only become a concern when INSPIRE is being used? (see e.g. gazetteer use case) Access control more relevant for some data themes  explore which data need access control? Any organisations interested in an extended testbed pilot as data providers/users? Explore whether the lack of a common approach prevents data/service publication in geoportals? Are there any issues about geospatial organisations integrating with European access control solutions?

How to proceed with this topic? Pilot a use case based on Article 17 of the INSPIRE Directive? Art. 17(4): The data sharing arrangements between public authorities within a MS shall be open to public authorities of other MS and Community institutions and bodies, for the purposes of public tasks that may have an impact on the environment. Allow the same access to authenticated users from public authorities in other countries (and from Community institutions and bodies) as authenticated users from the public authority providing the protected data/service

Michael Lutz MIG-T meeting, 11-12 March 2015, Madrid How to progress with proposed MIWP action MIWP-4b on INSPIRE & RDF/Linked data Michael Lutz MIG-T meeting, 11-12 March 2015, Madrid

Reuse of INSPIRE with linked/open data Draft guidelines for Metadata (DCAT) Data (RDF) Governance around PIDs Some interest in Estonia to work on a pilot

ARE3NA WP 2015 Test the GeoDCAT-AP specification through example implementations in the Member States Participate in any follow-up to the Persistent URI inter-institutional task force, including application to the geospatial domain and inputs from other sectors. Pilot linked geospatial data in e-government service delivery (across the policy cycle)- refine the guidelines and define best practices.

How to proceed with this topic? Any organisations interested in developing/testing GeoDCAT-AP (and statDCAT-AP)? Can you identify use cases/applications where location PIDs and e-government PIDs could be used together? INSPIRE RDF data can be used in e-government? Are there other organisations interested in piloting the ARE3NA RDF/PID methods?