Protective Measures Vth Scheduled & VIth Scheduled Regulation 2 of 1956 (OSTIP Act) PESA ACT 1996. FOREST ACT 2006. Land Acts 2013 SCs/STs prevention of Atrocities Act.SC/ST POA Act. UNDHRs UNDIRs 2007. stitution Of India
Odisha Situation Odisha having 62 numbers of Indigenous People groups (highest in the states in the Country ), & 13 PVTGs with . 95,90,756 Scheduled Tribes constituting 22.85% of total population of the State(41,974,218) according to the 2011 census, who are also facing the issue of political, social and economic discrimination and exclusion since long.
ODISHA AT A GLANCE Total Population of the State: 41,974,218 No. of Districts: 30 No. of Villages: No.of Blocks: 314 No. G.Ps: Total Polulation of the Adibasis: 95,90,756 No.of Scheduled Districts: 13 (7+6) No.of Adibasi Villages:19,000 No. of Adibasi /ITDA Blocks: 119 No. GPs. No. Tribes- 62 No. PVTGs: 13 No. of Micro Projects: 17
Part- B. Administration and Control of Scheduled Areas & Scheduled Tribes. 4. Tribes Advisory Council (TAC) : Nos. 20. ¾ shall be Representatives of the STs in the Legislative Assembly of the State. Duties of TAC- Advise pertaining to the Welfare and Advancement of the STs in the State. Chairman Conduct meetings
Law Applicable to Scheduled Areas 5. (1).Any particular Act of Parliament or of the Legislature of the State shall not Apply to Scheduled Aeas…. Or to such exceptions and modification (2). Governor may make regulations for the peace and good Government (a). Prohibit or restrict the transfer of land by or among STs (b). Regulate the allotment of land to the members of STs Regulate carrying on business as money lender
(3). Governor may repeal or amend any Act of Parliament or Legislature (4). All regulations may made be submitted to president of India for assent (5). No regulation shall be made …….TAC s are consulted.
PESA 1996 Gram Sabha- 4 (b).No Pally Sabha, FRA. 2 (p). Const. 19 (4)& (5). Control in the interest of STs. PVTG- 13 , 17 micro projects. Financial Management: TSP- Separate – Not through Collector & DRDA, ITDA and Tribes Advisory. Plan- decision- implementation- Gram Sabha. .Const.243 M- No Panchyat Raj. (No OGP, ZP,GS)
ITDA . No. of Extension officers In each block ITDA officers. Gram Sabha – Village man / woman be secretary. 4 (d).on Governance. Dealership-All agency- Contractor, Inclusion of Tribals – Jhodia, Dhurua, Maoist issues- Grabbing land. DMF/CAMPA- Diluting the power of Gram Sabha
LOOKING FORWARD Awareness on Constitutional Rights and Organization of Adibasi Peoples. Administrative structural Change in Scheduled Areas for Good Government, District Autonomous Council (ADC) based on PESA Act-1996. Genuine Inclusive in Planning, Decision Making and Implementation process by Adibasis in Governance.
ADIVASI DEVELOPMENT key-message by Tribals is that the implementation of a human rights-based approach to development should take into account issues of equality and sustainability and endorse the fundamental concept of development with culture and identity.
Proposals A Defined State Tribal Policy be made. Empowerment , Involvement/Participation of Adivasis in Government. Protection of Resources. Livelihood , Education, Health Care
Administration Hon’ble Governor- TAC + Experts+ DAC- Make a Good State Adivasi policy. Tribal Cell in Governor Office, STRTI & ITDA. Arbitrary Laws be amended Financial Power TSP: ITDAs, Gram Sabhas.