Coding issues BUFR Binary Universal code Form for the Representation of meteorological data Binary Table driven code form (BUFR, CREX) Efficient compression Will replace traditional character codes E.g. FM13-XI ext. SHIP 16/02/2019
BUFR Advantages Flexible Small volumes Adding new variables doesn’t require code changes Table update easier than code changes (ET/DRC) Higher resolution data Metadata e.g. Sensor height 16/02/2019
BUFR Drawbacks More complex to understand/handle Not human readable Cheap commercial software not available Shared software available but interfacing delicate Character codes frozen by CBS during transition (=> 2012) 16/02/2019
BUFR migration plan CBS Migration to Table Driven Code Forms 2005: Start of experimental exchange 2007: Start of operational exchange Some Members relying on BUFR Parallel transmission BUFR & SHIP 2012: Migration completed Parallel transmission terminated (global use) Archiving in SHIP permitted Exchange in SHIP for local purposes permitted 16/02/2019
BUFR transition issues Discussions with E-SURFMAR and KNMI BUFR template for ship data approved by ET/DRC Template not entirely satisfactory e.g. VOSClim requirements 16/02/2019
Challenges Many types of acquisition systems Paper, semi-automated, automated, e.g. TurboWin SEAS OBSJMA BATOS AVOS (Axys) MILOS (Vaisala) Many types of data transmission systems Inmarsat-C (code 41) Billing issue DCP Argos Iridium Internet (email) 16/02/2019
Challenges Ship servicing difficult (equip./software) Changing ship routes Variety of receiving stations Variety of NMHS implementations Code 41 compatibility No binary 16/02/2019
Constraints Make it simple for observers Continue the service at least at the same level Equivalent cost 16/02/2019
Options Transmit SHIP reports from ship Collect metadata separately BUFR report assembled by NMHS With or without the metadata Transmit BUFR reports from ship Metadata included from start Transmit proprietary report from ship Metadata transmitted from ship or collected separately BUFR reports assembled by NMHS 16/02/2019
Solutions BUFR Template for VOS refined by SOT CREX is also an option Conversions software (NMHS) SHIP+metadata => BUFR Dual SHIP & BUFR encoding preferable to BUFR to SHIP encoding Many implementations possible, e.g. TurboWin BUFR encoded from ship BATOS Proprietary format from ship Low transmission cost (€0.145/report) 16/02/2019
Possible VOS migration plan Phase 1 (2007) Start of operational exchange Basic SHIP to BUFR conversion Phase 2 (2006 – 2008?) In depth analysis of requirements Phase 3 (2008? – 2012) Implementation of phase 2 recommendations Phase 4 (2012) Operational system in place 16/02/2019
International Maritime Meteorological Tape (IMMT) International, delayed mode exchange of Marine Climatological data Under Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme (MCSS) Format described in WMO Manual (No. 558) and Guide (No. 471) on Marine Meteorological Services 16/02/2019
IMMT Delayed mode data collected & compiled by Participants Quality Control and flags included Submitted to GCCs Quarterly, VOSClim data separated using ship list spreadsheet on DAC website, e.g. callsigns date recruited – 60 days date withdrawn 16/02/2019
NMHS Contributing Members GCCs Responsible Members DAC Real-time (GTS) Real-time (GTS) VOSClim VOS Delayed data & metadata (PMOs) NMHS Contributing Members (MQCS, metadata, IMMT) GCCs (MCSS, QC, re-encoding IMMT) Responsible Members (all VOS data) DAC (VOSClim data) 16/02/2019
IMMT IMMT-2 format implemented 1/1/2003 VOSClim data received by GCCs since then IMMT-2 did not meet all VOSClim requirements E.g. QC flags 16/02/2019
IMMT Requirements New format IMMT-3 VOSClim QC flags Coding procedures for past & present weather for AWS (checks extended to include code tables 4531 & 4680) New format IMMT-3 Proposed by ETMC-I, Gdynia, Poland, July 2004 Endorsed by JCOMM-II Minimum Quality Control Standards (MQCS) MQCS-V proposed by ETMC-I 16/02/2019
IMMT Target for IMMT-3 implementation 1/2007 VOSClim & GCCs to implement it ASAP MQC software Being upgraded Available free of charge from GCCs Implementation dates of each IMMT and MQCS version added to MQCS documentation Full layout in appendix IV & V of ETMC-I report 16/02/2019
Impact on PMOs (BUFR & IMMT) New systems will come and training will be required Electronic logbooks Real-time data transmissions New variables collected and used in real-time New sensors Metadata (ship characteristics) Sensor heights 16/02/2019