Muslim Trade Routes
Activator How does a culture bloom in the desert?
Prosperity in the Islamic World The Arab Empire was prosperous. Extensive trade within: the Islamic world China Byzantine Empire India Southeast Asia. Trade occurred by ship and camel caravans which traveled from Morocco in the far west to the countries beyond the Caspian Sea.
Caravans Much of the trade across the desert was carried by the Berbers, nomadic peoples whose camel caravans became known as the “fleets of the desert” Camels were a crucial factor in trade across the Sahara In a typical caravan trek, as many as 100 camels would be loaded with goods and supplies Accompanied by guards, the caravan moved at about three miles per hour By the 8th and 9th century, much of the trade was carried by Muslim merchants. They bought the trade from local traders. Then sold them to the Berbers who carried them across the desert.
Trade Flourished… From… Goods Received South of the Sahara Gold & Slaves China Silk & Porcelain Eastern Africa Gold & Ivory Southeast Asia & India Sandalwood & Egypt Spices Iraq Grain Western India Textile Goods Linens, Dates, & Precious Stones
The Bazaar Covered market An important part of every Muslim city or town Goods were available from every Muslim city or town
Activity: Muslim Trade Route Maps Directions: 1. Label the Arabian Peninsula, India, China, Europe and Africa. 2. Draw the Muslim trade routes to India, China, Europe and Africa. 3. Along the trade route you draw, write the goods traded along that route (or create a legend/key to demonstrate the goods that were traded)
Summarizer What types of goods did the Muslims trade?