Source: The New Daily
Source: RBA May 8
Joe’s Magic Pudding Source: Treasury May 12
Source: RBA May 8
What’s what in Oz economy Source: Treasury May 12
Source: RBA May 8
Source: ABS June 9
Keep the investors coming Source: ABS June 9
Source: RBA chart pack June 3
Source: RBA May 8
Source: RBA May 8
Source: RBA May 8
Budget winner!
Source: The New Daily
Australia: still GDP growth champ Source: Treasury May 12
The forgotten recent past May 2008 Unemployment 4.2% Home Mortgage 9.45% RBA core inflation 4.1% Source: RBA, ABS
Source: RBA chart pack June 3
Source: Westpac/Melb Inst June 10
NAB business survey June 10
Necessity, the mother of productivity
Source: RBA March 11
Export heroes: services Source: ABS June 4
WA services exports 1999 - $2,805 million 2001 - $3,435 million Source: ABS June 22
Source: ABS June 23
Source: ABS June3
Source: ABS June 26 12.04 pm
PEOPLE – our future 2014 Population growth 1.4% - 330,200 people Net migration 184,100 (NSW 1.4% Vic 1.8% Qld 1.4% WA 1.6%) Remove build Source: ABS June 25
Remove build Source: ABS June 25
Interstate migration – Vic magnet Remove build Source: ABS June 25
1975: 7.3 2015: 4.7 2055: 2.7 Ratio of people 15-64 to 65+ 1975: 7.3 2015: 4.7 2055: 2.7 5 Source: Treasury IGR March 5