Writing Workshop #2 Miss Johnson
Remember Be professional Analyze your quotes Third Person Only No Contractions Analyze your quotes Explain what they mean Connect them back to the topic sentence “This shows that…”
TS: Achilles should choose to stay and fight because his glory will live on forever. EX: The power Achilles receives from his glory has already been demonstrated in his influence over the Greeks. EV: Phoenix claims, “how could I stay here without you my boy”, revealing that even someone who knows Achilles well would rather leave with Achilles than stay and fight without him (). EX: This shows that Achilles previous war prowess and the glory he gained from that has power over other people. EX: If Achilles chooses to stay and fight in the Trojan war, his glory would be even greater. EV: Therefore, because Achilles glory would “undying forever”, he should choose to stay and fight (). EX: One of the most important aspects of success for a Greek warrior was the gaining of kleos, or glory. EX: By staying and fight, Achilles will make himself one of the greatest Greek warriors of all time. CS: Based on this valued aspect of Greek society, Achilles should choose to stay and fight.