Evaluating MAT 7- Metropolitan Achievement Test Mini-Project 1: Evaluation of a Standardized Test Cindy Butzke, Sheri Paden, Jane Strawhecker Evaluating MAT 7- Metropolitan Achievement Test
General Information Metropolitan Achievement Test (MAT 7) Publishing Company: The Psychological Corporation, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Incorporated, 1993 Cost: $62.50 for complete battery at each grade level; $50 per 100 for machine scored sheets. Administration times: Averages 4 hours.
Purpose and Nature of Test Purpose: The primary purpose of any testing program is the improvement of instruction . This test is designed to measure the achievement of students in the major skills and content areas of the school curriculum. Population: Kindergarten through twelfth grades. Content: Reading, Math, Language, Science, and Social Studies
Technical Evaluation Norms/Standards -Types: Percentile ranks, stanines, grade equivalent, normal curve equivalents (NCE’s) -Standardization sample- Representative of the school population in terms of geographic region, SES, urbanicity, ethnicity, as well as handicapping conditions.
Reliability -Two types were represented – the internal consistency and alternate forms. -The Kuder-Richardson procedures provide estimates in reliability in appendix format. Validity -All types of evidence are included: content-related,criterion-related,and construct-related.
Procedures to Eliminate Bias - An advisory panel reviewed items for tryout; especially in the areas of Reading comprehension, Social Studies and Language. -Made recommendations to The Psychological Corporation.
Summary of M.M.Y. Reviewer Extensive updating and review of items from MAT 6. Followed procedure s for developing tests-consulting educational associations (I.R.A., NCTM, NCSS, and NCTE) Aligned with changes in curriculum and current assessment trends. Balance of cognitive skills. Content validity is thoroughly demonstrated.
Critique of MAT7 Covers content areas. Strengths and Weaknesses Recommendation
Standardized Testing Translating Targets into Assessment *Clarifying Targets Test Development Evaluate Attention to Sound Sampling Setting Standards Of Acceptable Performance Control Of Bias Test Norming