Mid Day Meal Scheme MDM-PAB Meeting – ASSAM On 01.03.2011 Ministry of HRD Government of India MDM-PAB Meeting – ASSAM On 01.03.2011
Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Part-I Review of Implementation of MDMS in ASSAM (Primary + Upper Primary) (1.4.2010 to 31.12.2010) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Coverage Institutions : PAB Approval Vs Achievement (PRY) No. of Institutions Note: The State govt. have provided financial assistant to 8163 VLP Schools in 2010-11.These 8163 LP Schools will be covered under MDM's during 2011-12. 391 Madarsas will also be included in 2011-12. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Coverage Institutions : PAB Approval vs Achievement (U. PRY) No. of Institutions Note: The State govt. have provided financial assistant to 5,360 Schools in 2010-11.These 5,360 Schools will be covered under MDM's during 2011-12. 57 Madarsas will also be included in 2011-12. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Coverage : CHILDREN Approval Vs Achievement (PRY) No. of Children (in lakhs) 120 % 103 % 100 % Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Coverage : CHILDREN Approval Vs Achievement (U. PRY) No. of Children (in lakhs) 126 % 90 % 18 % Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Coverage : Working Days Approval Vs Achievement (PRY) No. of Working Days 82 % 85 % 58 % Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Coverage : Working Days Approval Vs Achievement (U. PRY) No. of Working Days 70 % 58 % 74 % Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Approval Vs Achievement: Number of Meals (P + UP.) No. of Meals (in crore) 87% 88% 42% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Analysis: Foodgrains OB, Allocation &Lifting (1.4.10 to 31.12.10) Foodgrains (in MTs) (63% ) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
FOOD GRAIN : ALLOCATION vs UTILISATION Quantity in MTs 63% 63% 28% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Foodgrains Availability – Dist. wise Special focus Dist.: Goalpara (35%), Udalguri (44%), Baska (49%) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Foodgrains Utilisation – Dist. wise Special focus Dist.: Goalpara (35%), Udalguri (44%), Baska (49%) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Reconciliation of foodgrains vis.a.vis Meals served Sr. No. District No. of Meals served during 01.4.10 to 31.12.10 Expected consumption of food grains (in MTs) Actual consumption of food grains (in MTs) % Utilisation % Excess Utilisation Excess Utilisation 1 Karbi-Anglong 15721330 1866.60 2689.66 144% 44% 2 Morigaon 17832996 2042.98 2416.51 118% 18% 3 Dhemaji 12649147 1455.39 1712.71 4 Cachar 30782546 3597.22 4206.54 117% 17% 5 Sivsagar 18736521 2198.21 2502.47 114% 14% 6 Bongaigaon 13064386 1510.97 1704.41 113% 13% 7 Sonitpur 28935378 3336.26 3755.97 8 Dhubri 44061239 4993.53 5584.07 112% 12% 9 Dima Hasao 4723865 546.11 608.64 111% 11% 10 Goalaghat 15947597 1878.04 2080.22 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Reconciliation of foodgrains vis.a.vis Meals served Sr. No. District No. of Meals served during 01.4.10 to 31.12.10 Expected consumption of food grains (in MTs) Actual consumption of food grains (in MTs) % Utilisation % Less Utilisation Less Utilisation 1 Jorhat 15443443 1834.85 1588.39 87% 13% 2 Hailakandi 15683326 1803.60 1480.05 82% 18% 3 Nalbari 15580857 1797.30 1459.67 81% 19% 4 Baska 18348213 1994.24 1617.91 5 Kamrup(M) 11528962 1386.99 1079.91 78% 22% 6 Udalguri 14424092 1646.50 1191.93 72% 28% 7 Goalpara 18707241 2173.89 1292.34 59% 41% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Payment of cost of Food grains to FCI Cost of Food Grain (Rs. In Crore ) (88% ) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
COOKING COST ALLOCATION vs UTILISATION Rs in Crores 61% 65% 29% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Reconciliation of Cooking Cost vis.a.vis Meals served Sr. No. District No. of Meals served during 01.4.10 to 31.12.10 Expected Utilisation of Cooking Cost (Rs. In Lakhs) Actual utilisation of Cooking cost (Rs. In Lakhs) % Utilisation % Excess Util. Excess Utilisation 1 Karbi-Anglong 15721330 501.82 674.72 134% 34% 2 Bongaigaon 13064386 406.25 464.69 114% 14% 3 Dhemaji 12649147 391.31 441.66 113% 13% 4 Dima Hasao 4723865 146.83 161.47 110% 10% Less Utilisation % Less Util. Kokrajhar 19911818 608.49 538.09 88% 12% Kamrup(M) 11528962 372.87 325.14 87% Nagaon 50149639 1612.09 1403.92 Hailakandi 15683326 484.93 397.14 82% 18%
Reconciliation of Cooking Cost vis-a-vis Food grains Sr. No. District % utilisation of foodgrains % utilisation of Cooking cost Mis-match in % points Excess Utilisaiton of Foodgrains 1 Karbi-Anglong 59% 44% 15% Excess Utilisaiton of Cooking Cost 2 Nalbari 52% 64% 12% 3 Udalguri 4 Goalpara 35% 54% 19%
Honorarium to Cooks-cum-Helpers Rs. In Crore (27% ) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
MME : ALLOCATION vs. UTILISATION Rs in Lakhs 56% 40% 31% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Transportation Assistance: ALLOCATION vs UTILISATION Rs in Lakhs Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Achievement up to 2010-11 (Kitchen cum Stores) Total Allocation : 44,729 Kitchen Cum Stores 28,490 KS Progress (in %) 14,063 KS 2,176 KS Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Achievement up to 2010-11 (Kitchen Devices) Total Allocation : 30,943 units of Kitchen Devices Progress (in %) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Coverage : School Health Programme and Inspections No. of Institutions 70% 18% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
External Evaluation Study (2009) : The Ace Institute, Guwahati Coverage : 4601 primary and upper primary schools in the 18 selected districts of Assam. About 85% schools have utensils for cooking MDM. 47 % schools have storage facility in kitchen sheds. 94% schools use firewood as fuel. 71% schools have drinking water facility. In 86% schools training on hygienic and cleanliness issues were provided. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
External Evaluation Study (2009) : The Ace Institute, Guwahati 89% schools adhered to hygienic practices. In 8% schools the cooks use caps, masks and gloves etc. In 74% schools SMC members remains present at the meal time. 64% schools weigh rice in presence of SMC members. 69% schools quality checking was conducted by the mothers’ groups. The villagers of the locality of about 68 per cent schools were aware of purchasing of cooking ingredients, quality and quantity of the food served. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Grievance Redressal Mechanism A Grievance Redressal Mechanism cell has been formed in the Directorate of Elementary Education, Assam in order to disposed off the complained received in respect of implementation of Mid Day Meal scheme. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
SCORE CARD- ALL COMPONENTS Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Performance Score card – A Summary Sl. No. Component Achievement Benchmark 1. Foodgrains Availability 63% 85% 2. Foodgrains Utilisation 72% 3. Cooking Cost Utilisation 61% 4. Cost of Food Grain 88% 100% 5. MME Utilisation 31% 75% 6. TA Utilisation 7. Kitchen Shed construction 95% 8. Kitchen Devices procurement 57% 9. QPRs received 3nos. 3 nos. 10. Inspections 70% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Analysis of State’s Proposal for 2011-12 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Enrolment Vs Availing MDM during 2010-11 (PRIMARY + NCLP) No. of children (in lakhs) Q-3 Q-1 Q-2 2011-12 (Proposed) 15,806 children are proposed to be covered under NCLP. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Population Vs Enrolment Vs Availed MDM during 2010-11 (UPPER PRIMARY) No. of children (in lakhs) 15.21 Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 2011-12 (Proposed) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Proposal for Cook-cum-helper engaged in MDM Scheme Already Engaged Proposed (2011-12) Cook-cum-helper 97,704 1,13,873 (97,704 + 16,169) MDM-PAB approved 1,00,350 Cook cum helpers to be engaged during 2010-11. Presently 97,704 CCH are engaged as 2,146 AIE centers have been closed. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Proposal for Construction of Kitchen-cum-Store No. of institutions Sanctioned Constructed through convergence Gap 61,810 44,729 17,081 MDM-PAB approved 3,941 Kitchen cum Stores for 2010-11, however grant could not be released for paucity of funds. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Proposal for Procurement of Kitchen Devices No. of institutions Sanctioned Constructed through convergence Gap 61,810 30,943 30,867 MDM-PAB approved 23,619 Kitchen Devices for 2010-11, however grant could not be released for paucity of funds. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Proposed MME Plan The following activities are proposed in MME Plan : Training for Cook cum Helpers in phased manner, Engagement of one MDM coordinator at district level Capacity building and training of staff. External evaluation. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Proposals and Recommendations S. No component PAB Approval 2010-11 Proposal 2011-12 Recommendation 1 Children (Pry) 29,22,148 30,06,524 30,07,000 2 Children (NCLP) NA 15,806 3 Children (U Pry) 12,11,572 15,21,479 15,22,000 4 Working Day (Pry and U Pry) 215 – Pry 220 – U Pry 210 – Pry 300 - NCLP 5 Kitchen Shed 3,941 17,081 6 Cook cum Helper 1,00,350 1,13,873 7 Kitchen Devices 23,619 30,867 8 Draught affected area 9 MME Plan Submitted Within the permissible limit. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India ISSUES Less coverage of working days. Poor utilisation of MME funds. Late submission for Transportation Assistance proposal. Incomplete proposal for kitchen cum store construction. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Thank You Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India