Step Into Prep Hands on Numeracy
Step Into Prep WALT identify ways we can help our children to develop Maths skills at home. WILF: I can… support my child at home help my child make connections with what they are earning at school WALT understand what Maths may look like at school. WILF: I can… support my child at home help my child make connections with what they are learning at school
… so let’s break it down for our Preps! What is Mathematics? Maths helps us make sense of the world around us – it deals with logic, shape and arrangement. It is more than ‘equations’ and learning ‘tables’. It is the building block for everything in our daily lives, including mobile devices, architecture, art, money, engineering, and even sports. … so let’s break it down for our Preps!
Number Making patterns Sorting Objects Counting Recording Calculating
Space Identifying shapes Drawing Building shapes Moving shapes around in different spaces/fitting shapes together
Measurement Measuring and comparing length area capacity mass Using informal units An explicit focus on developing mathematical vocabulary
Chance & Data Thinking about the likelihood of events occurring and representing these ideas. Playing games involving chance. Explicit focus on the vocabulary of ‘chance’. Exploring ways we can collect and display information (data and graphing).
Students are supported at all levels. Numeracy at Pakenham Springs Students are supported at all levels. Teachers regularly collect and discuss student data to ensure that they are meeting the learning needs of all their students. Teachers work together in Professional Learning Teams to ensure that each Mathematical unit is planned and delivered in a logical sequence, with ‘next steps’ clearly identified. Using the collaboratively planned units and collaboratively discussed data, teachers can deliver a classroom program specific to each student in their classroom.
Ways YOU can help at home… Always display a positive attitude towards Maths. Look for everyday activities to encourage maths talk (counting buttons/clothes when getting dressed, counting the potatoes as they go into the shopping bag, etc) Play games involving Maths – Bingo, Snakes and Ladders, dice games, card games (UNO is a favourite) Encourage estimation and counting of collections of objects (e.g. people, shells, jelly beans, cars, toys) Embrace practical opportunities for Maths (shopping, setting the dinner table, pairing socks, telling the time, looking at calendars) Make a game of it, make it a challenge or a competition and watch them rise to it!
Start at the dot, stay inside the lines and follow the arrow Start at the dot, stay inside the lines and follow the arrow. All numbers begin at the top
Numeracy: Learning through Doing
Step Into Prep Reflection Time What ways might you have fun with your child while developing some of their early Maths concepts at home? What has become more clear for you about Maths at school? Any questions?