Transfer Student Initiatives Transfer Symposium Transfer Student Initiatives
Five Key Initiatives Office of Transfer Articulation - Jane Rex Jump Start Appalachian – Phil Lewis Transfer Pre-Orientation Program – Phil Lewis Transfer Services Team – Phil Lewis Writing Across the Institutions – Georgia Rhoades How do these initiatives impact our Community College partners? Owen Sutkowski, CPCC
Transfer Articulation Office of Transfer Articulation
How It Happened General Education Task Force Student Culture Seamless Transfer Faculty/ Advisors New general education in fall 2009, unclear how transfers fit Faculty & advisors didn't understand new general Ed, no one to go to for assistance No quality control Process was unclear to students and internal campus Student culture was very freshman centric, lacked understanding of our transfers Provost convened a task force to make recommendations art how to serve transfers One recommendation was to create a transfer office. Task Force Report on website.
Transfer Advisory Board Articulation Agreements Initiatives Transfer Advisory Board Visiting Coursework Petition Process Gen Ed Articulation Reverse Transfer Jump Start Articulation Agreements Orientation Catalog Review Once we created the office specifically to fill this articulation need, though the office has taken a broader direction than we intended. We intended for it to be more back office, behind the scenes, to work on process and procedure. But it has become much more, filling transfer needs that we didn't eve realize existed.
Looking Ahead Transfer Symposium Collaboration with Community Colleges Transfer Student Center Communication Plan, Access to Degree Audit Transfer Housing Staff & Space Needs
What is Jump Start? Program Aim: To enhance transfer student retention and completion through programming that familiarizes students with the Appalachian campus and provides opportunities to establish relationships with Appalachian faculty, staff, and students early in their transition to Appalachian
Programming features Regular presence on partner college campuses Tours of the Appalachian campus for groups from partner colleges Opportunities to meet Appalachian students, faculty, and staff Regular contact with admitted students via email and Facebook On-going support at Appalachian
Transfer Student Mentors The heart of the Jump Start Program
Transfer Pre-Orientation Program Aim Incentives for participation 120 attendees Schedule Feedback
Transfer Services Team Final Report – August 27, 2013 Established to identify the services and resources that should be available to transfer students at Appalachian.
Key Recommendations Key recommendations: Create a Transfer Services Center Create an online one-stop services site Expand the Jump Start Appalachian program Improve housing options for transfer students Expand the Transfer Pre-Orientation Program The full report is available on the Tool Kit page of the Transfer Symposium Website
Questions? “I can’t thank you enough for your time and help” “Thank you again for all of your help. This has been such a better experience than I have had in the past with registration and just having that welcoming feeling when beginning something new.” “Thank you! You and the rest of the Jump Start team are so supportive and kind! ” “Had a great time at the carnival tonight. Thanks to Meredith and Theresa with Jump Start Appalachian for hanging out with me.” “Your help has been like a guiding light…it is refreshing to interact with offices like yours, OTA, here at App.” These individuals went out of their way to evaluate my military transcript and gave me the best possible outcome…very professional and able to point me in the right direction. Great Job!!!” “I can’t thank you enough for your time and help” “I’m so glad the Office of Transfer Articulation exists and has such wonderful staff!”