Update from the “Study on identifying the drivers of successful implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives” Project coordinator: Sandra Naumann.


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Presentation transcript:

Update from the “Study on identifying the drivers of successful implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives” Project coordinator: Sandra Naumann Project partner: Ecologic Institute Many thanks for the opportunity to present the results from a very recent study we conducted for the H2020 Naturvation project (nature based urban innovation)

NADEG meeting, Brussels/Belgium Study objectives Provide a compilation of all genuine improvements that MS have reported with regard to positive trends of individual habitat types or species (covered by the Nature Directives) Identify the main success factors explaining these improvements ("drivers of success“) Derive "lessons learnt" and recommendations for the Commission and for MS authorities, on a) how to enhance the implementation of the Nature Directives as well as b) improve future reporting and monitoring processes 17/10/2017 NADEG meeting, Brussels/Belgium

NADEG meeting, Brussels/Belgium State of project Where do we stand in the project? 2nd consultation phase with MS Selection of case studies 17/10/2017 NADEG meeting, Brussels/Belgium

MS consultation process 1st MS consultation process: Validation of Genuine Improvements (GI). GI are any improvements that are real rather than due to improved data or knowledge, taxonomic change or use of different monitoring methods between the reporting periods. (Mid July until beginning of September 2017; 19 MS responded) 2nd MS consultation process: Provide information on drivers for Measure Driven Improvements (MDI): GI that have mainly occurred as a result of targeted environmental measures (any GI that have one or more listed conservation measures that are evaluated as ‘maintain’ or ‘enhance’). (Mid September until beginning of November 2017) 17/10/2017 NADEG meeting, Brussels/Belgium

MS consultation process 16/10/2017 NADEG meeting, Brussels/Belgium

Examples: Validated MDI cases – Habitats Alpine rivers and their ligneous vegetation with Salix elaeagnos (Continental-CZ) Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Atlantic-IE) Water courses of plain to montane levels with the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation (Atlantic-DE) Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Continental-PL) 17/10/2017 NADEG meeting, Brussels/Belgium

Examples: Validated MDI cases – Species Lutra lutra (Eurasian otter ) (Atlantic/Continental-DE) Caretta caretta (loggerhead sea turtle) (Marine Mediterranean -CY) Dianthus diutinus (plant in sand steppes and calcareous sand) (Pannonian-HU) Myosotis rehsteineri (DE: Bodensee- VergiSSmeinnicht) (ALPINE-AT) 17/10/2017 NADEG meeting, Brussels/Belgium

Examples: Validated MDI cases – Birds Neophron percnopterus (Egyptian vulture) (FR) Haliaeetus albicilla (white-tailed eagle) (FI, LV, DE, PL, AT) Ciconia nigra (black stork) (HU, DE) Platalea leucorodia leucorodia (Eurasian spoonbill) (FR) 17/10/2017 NADEG meeting, Brussels/Belgium

Selection criteria for case studies Represent a broad range of Member States, biogeographic regions, habitat and species groups, etc Species and habitats that are validated MDI and also have Article 12/17 data on measures that indicate their impact is high and have led to an enhancement The actions taken were targeted primarily to habitats and species that are the focus of the Nature Directives, or Annex 1 species for birds There is sufficient information available to complete the majority of the sections in the case study The case and actions taken provide generic lessons that are applicable to other situations and habitats and species The actions taken followed general principles of good practice and did not lead to unforeseen negative impacts such as on the environment or socio economic impacts on local communities The actions taken were efficient as well as effective and did not lead to disproportionate costs or burdens on administrations or other stakeholders 17/10/2017 NADEG meeting, Brussels/Belgium

Use of (MS and other) data Support the analysis of the success factors and drivers of the measure-driven improvements across Europe Inform the selection of 75 in-depth case studies – Suggestions from MS are welcome! Derive lessons learnt and recommendations on how to enhance the implementation of the Nature Directives and improve future reporting and monitoring processes 17/10/2017 NADEG meeting, Brussels/Belgium

NADEG meeting, Brussels/Belgium Outlook Results from 2nd MS consultation process available - Mid Nov. 2017 Conducting case studies – late Oct to end of Jan 2018 Analysis of cases and data – Nov to Feb 2018 Final report available – June 2018 17/10/2017 NADEG meeting, Brussels/Belgium

NADEG meeting, Brussels/Belgium Open questions? Sandra Naumann Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43-44, D-10717 Berlin sandra.naumann{at}ecologic{dot}eu www.ecologic.eu 17/10/2017 NADEG meeting, Brussels/Belgium