Room 15 News & Notes August 20 – 24, 2018 Mrs. Nakamura (Go to Teacher Pages) Last week the students took the STAR reading and math tests. This week I will give the reading fluency test. I will be doing it during the school day, so I will NOT be asking students to stay after school to test with me. I allow students to bring their own supplies to school, though I have most of the supplies needed for them already. I also allow a personal water bottle to be placed on his/her desk to drink from throughout the day. Homework will not start until next week, 8/27. My homework policy is on my teacher webpage on the school website. Homework is passed out on Monday and due on Friday. MATH: We will be reviewing all the ways to make 10 (ie. 6+4 =10, where 6 and 4 are “ten partners”). Students should have all the “ten partners” memorized by the end of September. We will talk about how many 10s are in a given number (ie. There are 2 tens in the number 25). We will also review what a number bond is. Later, we will move into adding and subtracting tens (ie. 50-20, 70+10, 60-40, etc.). ELA: Comprehension skill this week: visualize (to picture in one’s head). I will read the fable The Lion and the Mouse, and our discussions and writing this week will center around this fable. Sight Words (to be memorized this week): are, you, like, said, and, of Spelling: I will be giving an initial spelling test which will determine spelling groups for the beginning of the year. Spelling words will be given out in September. Spelling tests will be every Friday. EARLY DISMISSAL DAYS @1:50pm every day this week. EARLY DISMISSAL @ 1:50pm on Tues., Aug. 28th. NO SCHOOL on Mon. Sept. 3rd (Labor Day holiday). BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT will be on Thurs., Sept. 13th. PE (with Ms. Watkins): Mondays & Tuesdays ART (with Ms. Meersman): Thursdays MUSIC (with Ms. Oey): Fridays