Israel and Palestine “[Israel/Palestine] defies the logic that size equals importance. A tiny finger of land hugging the Eastern Mediterranean no bigger than the US state of New Jersey; the biblical lands . . . bear as much significance for the modern world today as they have for the past one or two millennium.” -Lonely Planet
Eastern Med- Israel Part of the world where archeology and scholarship have serious political implications. Few accounts written prior to the Roman Era can be considered absolute fact. Jews claim the right to live in the lands known as Israel because “God gave it to them.” Palestinians claim the right based on centuries of occupancy.
Eastern Mediterranean Countries Syria Cyprus Lebanon Israel Occupied Palestine Jordan
Societies broken into tribes and clans. Abraham of the Old Testament’s lineage (children): 1st son Ishmael Arabs (Palestinians) 2nd son Isaac Jews Arab cultural norm gives land to the oldest son. Controlled by outside forces starting with Alexander the Great in 336 BC. 31 BC controlled by the Romans who exiled the Jews. Area converted to Islam by 634 AD.
History After WWI, Britain and France divided lands in the eastern region; said they would control it until the countries could govern themselves. Britain controlled Jordan and Israel. Called Palestine. France controlled Lebanon and Syria.
Boundaries set up by Britain and France did not take into account tribe allegiances and enemies. Zionist Movement begins creation of a Jewish state back in Israel. British allowed Jewish people to move into the area. As more Jews migrated, Arabs started to resist.
Independence & Israel/Palestine Conflict End of WWII, thousands of Jews wanted to settle in Palestine after the Holocaust. Britain under pressure turned the issue over to the UN. 1947 the United Nations divided Palestine into two states – Palestine for Muslims, and Israel for Jews. Surrounding Arab nations invaded Israel to prevent the establishment of a Jewish state.
By 1950, Israel firmly established nation recognized by the UN. Britain leaves and independence is gained. 1967 PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) created and Egypt moved into position to attack Israel to get it out of the area. Israel attacks first and defeats Egypt, Jordan and Syria in a 6 day war! Palestinian Arabs forced to flee to UN refugee camps outside of Israel.
All of the area goes under Israel control. No more country of Palestine, but Palestinian people still live there. Occupied Palestinian land on the West Bank and Gaza Strip under Israeli control. Prison like situation walled in with check points and patrol tanks. 1978, Camp David Accords signed as a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel.
1993 Oslo Accords Palestinian Authority was established under the PLO. Control their territory, but they do not have a country. Since 2010, militant organization Hamas continues to attack Israel through suicide bombing and rocket launching. Goal To destroy Israel. 2010 Palestinian President Abbas said there will be no peace talks as long as Israel continues to build settlements in Palestinian territory.
Bansky wall grafitti
Aug 2011 Israel announced the building of thousands of new Israeli homes in occupied Palestinian territory. September 2011 Palestinian President Abbas requested UN recognition of Palestine as an independent “state.” With statehood recognized boundaries will not be in dispute. Palestine could press legal charges against Israel with the International Court. Israel fears this could put 500,000 Israelis out of a home who live in the Palestinian territory. Currently 120 countries “recognize” Palestine as a separate state, but the U.S. does NOT.
Palestine vs. Israel living conditions