The Crusades
Causes Bored Knights Religious Devotion Muslim Advances/Victories Byzantines asked for help Desire to heal Great Schism
Call for a Crusade Pope Urban II called for a Crusade in 1095 Objectives Drive Turks from Anatolia Obligate the Byzantines Provide occasion for healing Great Schism on Rome's terms Capture Holy Land
Major Events of Crusades First Crusade 1097-1098 Achieved all major objectives in Holy Land Turkish threat blunted, though not eliminated Area not strategic to Moslems, could have been held indefinitely with a little skill. Initial gains lost through diplomatic bungling. Crusaders attempted to destabilize neighbors
Major Events of Crusades Second Crusade, 1147-1148 Military failure, discredits Crusaders as military threat Third Crusade, 1189-1191 Well-known in literature (Robin Hood) Involved Richard I of England, Phillip II of France, Frederick I of Holy Roman Empire Saladin on Moslem side.
Major Events of Crusades Fourth Crusade, 1199-1204 Western-Greek relations always strained, mutual contempt. To finance crusade, Crusaders worked for Venetians Crusaders sacked Constantinople, 1204 Chance to heal Great Schism utterly lost. In 1453, when attacked by Turks, Byzantines preferred surrender to asking Rome for aid.
Major Events of Crusades Fifth Crusade, 1218-1219 Captured Damietta, swapped for Jerusalem Moslems agreed Crusaders tried to conquer Egypt, were routed Sixth Crusade, 1229 Frederick II of Germany did little fighting and a lot of negotiation Treaty gave the Crusaders Jerusalem and all the other holy cities and a truce of ten years He was widely condemned for conducting the Crusade by negotiating rather than fighting.
Major Events of Crusades Seventh Crusade, 1248-1254 Led by Louis IX of France Nearly an exact repeat of the Fifth Crusade Eighth Crusade, 1270 Louis’ brother, Charles of Anjou, king of Sicily, had strategic plans of his own and diverted the expedition to Tunisia, where Louis died. The last Crusader cities on the mainland of Palestine fell in 1291 One small island stronghold lasted until 1303.
Where else in military history can we find a war that was won four times and still lost?
The Crusades Died Out Lack of interest, rising European prosperity Repeated military defeats Discredited by "crusades" against Christians (e.g., Albigensians)
Effects of Crusades Fatal weakening of Byzantine Empire Vast increase in cultural horizons for many Europeans. Stimulated Mediterranean trade. Need to transfer large sums of money for troops and supplies led to development of banking techniques. Rise of heraldic emblems, coats of arms Romantic and imaginative literature.
Effects of Crusades Knowledge introduced to Europe Heavy stone masonry, construction of castles and stone churches. Siege technology, tunneling, sapping. Moslem minarets adopted as church spires Weakening of nobility, rise of merchant classes Enrichment was primarily from East to West--Europe had little to give in return.
Hundred Years’ War & the Plague
The Great Schism (Part 2) The papacy was moved to Avignon, France in 1309. Since people did not like the current pope, they elected a 2nd pope who ruled from Rome (1377). Each declared the other to be a false pope and excommunicated his rival in 1378. Later, a 3rd pope also held power. With the help of the Holy Roman Emperor, the council forced all 3 popes to resign. Left the papacy greatly weakened.
Challenge to Church Authority John Wycliffe (1320s-1384) preached that Jesus Christ, not the pope, was the true head of the Church. He spread his ideas by translating the New Testament into English. Jan Hus taught that the authority of the Bible was higher than that of the pope. Burned at the stake in 1415.
Bubonic Plague Strikes The plague originated from Asia and spread along trade routes by fleas living on rats. Killed 25 million Europeans between 1340 and 1400. Started in China, spread from Italy throughout Europe. Effects: Population fell Trade decline Inflation Serfs left manors Peasants revolted Increase in violence and warfare
Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453) England wanted to control France. The longbow changed warfare. Gave England the advantage in the beginning. Joan of Arc led the French in battle and helped save France. Effects: Nationalism rises. Power of the French monarch increased. English suffered a period of international turmoil.