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Presentation transcript:

European action programme on PRB kick-off meeting European action programme on flood risk management Brussels, 4 July 2005 Adriënne van der Sar DG Environment European Commission PRB kick-off meeting 4 July 2005

Action programme on Flood risk management Explanation EAF Flood protection = Action programme on Flood risk management PRB kick-off meeting 4 July 2005

Action programme on flood risk management Package - three components: Information and research: facilitating exchange of information, knowledge and experiences EU funding possibilities: targeted approach to funding Proposal for a legal instrument: a Directive PRB kick-off meeting 4 July 2005

Facilitating exchange of information and knowledge EU research projects and exchange groups Examples: EFAS: forecasting system FLOODsite: methodology for flood risk management ERA NET CRUE: national research programmes Exchange Circle on Flood Forecasting: exchanging practical experiences Flood Stakeholder meeting in September to further develop this component PRB kick-off meeting 4 July 2005

Targeted approach to funding European Solidarity Fund: for emergency operations New Cohesion Policy 2007-2013: “Environment and risk” New cross-border funding Rural Development Regulation: flood prevention and protection measures included in Rural Development Plans. PRB kick-off meeting 4 July 2005

Proposal for legal instrument Based on annex of Floods Communication Member States will be required to develop: Preliminary flood risk assessment (= present policy and priorities) Flood mapping (= knowing areas at risk of flooding) Flood Risk Management Plans (= plans to reduce flood risks) Principles of flexibility and subsidiarity: Precise objectives, deadlines and measures to be left to Member States Risk based approach: Maps and plans to be developed for each river basin and coastal area where floods have a negative impact PRB kick-off meeting 4 July 2005

Principles for flood mapping and Flood Risk Management Plans To be developed at river basin level and for coastal areas; transboundary co-operation necessary in case of transboundary river basins Solidarity principle Long term strategic approach Holistic approach Shift from flood defence to living with floods Public participation Preferably using existing structures PRB kick-off meeting 4 July 2005

PRB kick-off meeting 4 July 2005 PRBs are invited to: Share experiences on: preliminary risk assessment flood mapping flood risk management plans Contribute to defining Research & Information needs Give recommendations on how to improve the link between research and policy at regional/ national/ international level PRB kick-off meeting 4 July 2005