Welcome to... Ohatchee Squares A Game of X’s and O’s
Another Mrs. Twigg Presentation © 2007 - All rights Reserved
Sand E. Beaches Dewey Cheatum Ivana Winn Seymour Money Ima B. Utiful 1 2 3 Sand E. Beaches Dewey Cheatum Ivana Winn Seymour Money Ima B. Utiful Lee V. Mediately Craven Sumfood Anita Hugginkiss Starring: Phil R. Up 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 X 4 5 6 O 7 8 9 Scoreboard Click Here if X Wins Click Here if O Wins
1 Which of these is dangerous to do: eat lunch, read a book, or ride a bike on a busy road in the rain?
Riding your bike on a busy road in the rain is dangerous. 1 Riding your bike on a busy road in the rain is dangerous. Home
2 Which of these is a style of talking- talking for five minutes or talking very fast?
Fast talking is a style of talking. 2 Fast talking is a style of talking. Home
3 If you ignore what someone says, do you listen closely or not pay attention?
If you ignore someone, you are not paying attention. 3 If you ignore someone, you are not paying attention. Home
4 If you tell a story with passion, do you speak calmly and quietly or with a lot of force and feeling?
A story told with passion has a lot of force and feeling. 4 A story told with passion has a lot of force and feeling. Home
5 Which of these might someone challenge you to do: take a walk, be in a race, or go shopping together?
A race would be a challenge. 5 A race would be a challenge. Home
If you are proficient at something, are you good or bad at it? 6 If you are proficient at something, are you good or bad at it?
6 Good at it! Home
If you heed someone’s warning, do you ignore it? 7 If you heed someone’s warning, do you ignore it?
7 No…. Home
8 If someone underestimates how many jellybeans in a jar, did they guess too many or not enough?
If someone underestimates, they do not guess enough. 8 If someone underestimates, they do not guess enough. Home
Who was your favorite character in Arthur’s Reading Race? 9 Who was your favorite character in Arthur’s Reading Race?
9 Nice! Home