God’s Mercy and Forgiveness
Mercy God has love and tenderness toward mankind Examples of Jesus’ mercy to sinners God is all-just AND all-merciful God loves the sinner but hates the sin
Examination of conscience First step to a good Confession Thinking of our sins in order to do better in the future Amendment A firm commitment not to sin again
Imperfect contrition Perfect contrition Sorrow for sin caused by fear of hell Perfect contrition Sorrow for sin caused by love of God
Penance Practice of self-denial, such as fasting, giving money to the poor, extra time in prayer…
Conversion An act of turning away from sin and towards God A change of heart “Go and sin no more.”
Steps to a Good Confession Examine your conscience. Have contrition (sorrow) for your sins. (and amendment) Confess your sins to a priest. Receive absolution. Do penance.
Sacrament of Penance Jesus gave us this sacrament on the evening of the day He rose from the dead. “PEACE be with you.” He wants us to experience the peace He gives in this sacrament.
Carry a heavy backpack around while trying to do normal tasks like tying your shoe, playing soccer, or getting out of bed in the morning. Confession takes away the heavy load of sin. Write about a time you needed to be forgiven or had to forgive someone. What is that like?