Parent / Tot Skate NEW! Bring Your Tot for a fun morning Join us for an exciting day of ice skating featuring one of our newest programs. Come see why the Arena has become a favorite for families of all ages all over Essex County! Joseph N. DiVincenzo, Jr. Joseph N. DiVincenzo, Jr., Essex County Executive The Board of Chosen Freeholders and the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Invite you to the NEW! Parent / Tot Skate Bring Your Tot for a fun morning of skating at the Arena! Program Starts Tuesday, October 3rd Tuesdays & Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 12 Noon $5/Child, $7/Parent There will be free coffee for the adults and free snacks for the children. Skate rental fees will be waived for the Parent / Tot Skate. Adults must be accompanied by a tot skater to receive this promotion. Parent / Tot Skate will be held during the regular Public Session Ice Skating Times on Thursday Mornings. Essex County Codey Arena / South Mountain Recreation Complex 560 Northfield Avenue, West Orange 973-731-3828, Ext. 0 / Be a Fan & Follow Us! Essex County Park System @essexparks