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Presentation transcript:


Mentor Update: Aims of the update Discuss NMC SLAIP requirements for mentor and sign- off mentor roles Explore any complex or challenging situations experienced by mentors/sign-off mentors Update on changes in NMC approved pre-registration nursing education 1)Introduction Why are we here? What are we going to do? 2) Further support and info on the website – follow link

Mentorship & NMC Revalidation From April 2016 the NMC has required evidence of: practice and learning in order to revalidate registration Attending mentor updates and completing triennial reviews may contribute to the revalidation process Being an Up to Date Mentor could help with Re-Validation A note of caution Whilst being a mentor is very helpful in contributing toward meeting the requirements of revalidation it is worth noting that the NMC are looking for a variety of sources for your evidence.

Placement capacity University Link Lecturers & nursing staff do not have authority to agree a reduction in placement capacity for students Please contact your Practice Education/Facilitator/Support Team (NHS Trust) or senior manager (other organisations) Practice Education Facilitator/Support or senior manager will liaise with Department of Health Sciences Requests for student placement alternative should in the first instance be discussed with the Practice Education Facilitator who will then speak to the University and the Allocations department to look for a solution to the issue.

Practice Hours/Outcomes Practice learning accounts for 50% of nursing and midwifery programme hours (2300 practice/2300 theory hours) Practice hours and outcomes required for registration are achieved through practice placements and simulated learning opportunities To comply with The Working Time Directive (2003/88/EC), students should not exceed 48 hours work per week (averaged over 17 weeks) in relation to University practice and theory Students can negotiate independent learning activities hours with their mentor relating to the practice outcomes Any deficit in practice hours will be identified at final interview. Student will present at the subsequent placement with an action plan to make up deficit hours. Students must complete all the required hours AND outcomes in every practice experience IF the student is absent from practice they must try to make it up before they finish – GUIDANCE IN STUDENT HANDBOOK If students are unable to complete the hours and/or outcomes they MAY be able to apply for exceptional circumstances. If students don’t complete the hours and/or outcomes and do not have exceptional circumstances they will fail the placement and carry deficit hour/outcomes on to be achieved in the next placement Please check that any sickness/absence is accurately recorded in the PebblePad – sickness should not be included in the placement hours *Deficit hours to be entered in relevant box, NOT on normal record of attendance. Please ensure that you accurately verify the placement outcomes achieved Please ensure that the e-portfolio is completed by you or an identified mentor (if you are away) by the required submission date – the student may fail the placement if their document is not completed and submitted on time

Raising concerns about a student What should you do if you are concerned about: Performance Absence Conduct Potential fitness to practice Communication – student & link lecturer Documentation Adherence to timeframes The Mentor will need to inform the PLF and University regarding any issues regards the concerns raised regarding a student. Indicate to the Mentors that there is a process for reporting following a strict timeline. Perceived conflict of professional judgement and university. Highlight the issue of equity with other students in regard to appeals and adherence to process. Health Science staff dilemma of professional regulation & support for mentor decision vs University lack of insight into special circumstances of professional programmes

When a student has concerns What should a student do if they are concerned about practice they have witnessed? Refer to the Practice Experience Concerns Department of Health Science website Student and link lecturer to liaise over reporting Directions to the Department of Sciences Website for information on Practice Experience Concerns Need to know students may raise issues Emphasise the need to inform link lecturer and that students must not complete statements until they have support and guidance of education staff Show link and stress they must only complete statements on the document provided, with university guidance and support.

Help with E-portfolio (PebblePad) E-portfolio Team –Jonathan Ayto, Sarah Walker Lucia White E-mail – Phone 01904 321540 / 01904 321529 / 01904 321633 Visit University of York, Seebohm Rowntree building office ATB/025 on the ground floor Help and support is available from the eportfolio Team – Jonathan Ayto and Lucia White E-mails and phone messages will be answered ASAP and usually within 24 hours There is usually someone in the office Monday to Friday 08.00 – 16.30 If you are planning to visit it’s best to check that someone will be at home!!!!!

New roles To support the transition to the 2019 curricula we have three new Associate Lecturers Email: The role is student facing, increase visibility and accessibility of University in practice To provide supportive presence, point of contact for problem solving Liaison with University Supervisors and practice education support Taking over the link lecturer role from Feb Involvement in Quality assurance such as audits, evolving role

Future Developments Future nurse.

The 2019 curricula will be based on the Seven Platforms Being an accountable professional Promoting health and preventing ill health Assessing needs and planning care Providing and evaluating care Leading and managing nursing care and working in teams Improving safety and quality of care Coordinating care Annexe A: Communication and relationship management skills Annexe B: Nursing procedures (Future nurse: Standards of proficiency for registered nurses NMC 2018)

Suggested practice model Base X weeks Practice Assessor Practice X/X weeks Practice supervisor Return to Base Xweeks Return to Practice Assessor

Standards for student supervision and assessment (SSSA) SSSA Effective from September 2019. Over the spring and summer months, we will be giving you information and preparation for the Practice supervisor and assessor roles. This is being developed as a regional collaboration - once agreed these will be shared.

Practice Assessor role During transition period, likely to be current, registered mentors and sign off mentors Student assigned a Practice Assessor for a stage/placement/part of the programme Practice Assessor will collate feedback from practice supervisors and own observations Practice Assessor will work in partnership with Academic Assessor Practice Assessor will conduct assessment and confirm progression 6. Assessor roles - Approved education institutions, together with practice learning partners, must ensure that: 6.1 all students on an NMC approved programme are assigned to a different nominated academic assessor for each part of the education programme 6.2 all students on an NMC approved programme are assigned to a nominated practice assessor for a practice placement or a series of practice placements, in line with local and national policies 6.3 nursing students are assigned to practice and academic assessors who are registered nurses with appropriate equivalent experience for the student’s field of practice 6.4 midwifery students are assigned to practice and academic assessors who are registered midwives 6.5 specialist community public health nurse (SCPHN) students are assigned to practice and academic assessors who are registered SCPHNs with appropriate equivalent experience for the student’s field of practice 6.6 nursing associate students are assigned to practice and academic assessors who are either a registered nursing associate or a registered nurse 6.7 practice and academic assessors receive ongoing support to fulfil their roles, and 6.8 practice and academic assessors are expected to appropriately raise and respond to concerns regarding student conduct, competence and achievement, and are supported in doing so.

Role and responsibilities PRACTICE SUPERVISOR : Role and responsibilities During transition, likely to be current co-mentors, Initially RNs but in some areas will be other appropriate members of staff ‘Suitably prepared’ for the role Anticipate short workshops or online content Identify/agree students learning needs with goals to achieve during period allocated

ACADEMIC ASSESSORS: University Employed, NMC Registered Nominated Academic Assessor, ‘suitably prepared’ Works in partnership with Practice Assessor Collates and reviews information on students achievements - in practice & academic work Academic Assessor nominated for a stage – a new assessor for the next stage

Model of supervision (taken from webinar, Nov 2018)

GOOD NEWS! Regional Collaboration – 26 Universities – one assessment document, unified preparation programmes for Supervision and Assessment
