Jesus is head over all things Colossians 1:15 - 18
JESUS IS HEAD OVER ALL THINGS How do we see Jesus? The world has many different views as to who and what Jesus was and is The early church faced the same questions It is vital to our faith that we have a correct view of Jesus In these verses Paul helps us to see a magnificent view of Jesus
JESUS IS HEAD OVER ALL THINGS Image and firstborn over all creation (15) He is the image of the invisible God - image = exact representation or revelation - when the disciples looked at Jesus they saw God - if anyone saw Jesus they saw God (John 14:9) - mankind was made in the image of God but that image was marred by sin (Genesis 1:27) He perfectly reveals God He is the firstborn - this does not mean that He was created, it does not refer to chronology - it refers to status, priority (especially regarding inheritance) He is the heir of all things
JESUS IS HEAD OVER ALL THINGS By Him all things were created (16, 17) God is the great Creator of all things Jesus is regarded as firstborn because of what He did – He created all things If all things were created by Jesus then He cannot have been created Everything in heaven and earth Visible and invisible He has authority over every power Created by and through Him He sustains all things
JESUS IS HEAD OVER ALL THINGS Jesus is the head of the church (18) The church is the body of Jesus here on earth It is Jesus’ church – not mine, yours or anyone else’s! Church = ekklesia, an assembly of called out ones He is indispensable to the church
JESUS IS HEAD OVER ALL THINGS Jesus is the head of the church (18) Jesus is the firstborn from the dead - He always has the pre-eminence He is the first fruits of the mighty harvest of God He is the new beginning through His death and resurrection
JESUS IS HEAD OVER ALL THINGS LESSONS FOR TODAY We need to have a correct view of who Jesus is Be captured by a dazzling vision of who He truly is (see Revelation 1:9 – 20) Recognise the enormity of the truth that this amazing person loves you, died for you and is with you through the Holy Spirit Have confidence in the almighty power of God who has authority over all things and every situation