ENG 1D1 Wednesday April 1st, 2015
Today’s Agenda Content Quiz Chapters 1-10 Vocab and homework check Group Theme Project Time Reading and homework questions
The Chrysalids Content Quiz Put away all your binders, notes and books Separate the desks Choose a writing utensil
Meme of the Day
Let’s Take Up the Quiz Please choose a writing utensil to mark someone else’s quiz. For each correct answer place a small, neat checkmark beside the question number. For each incorrect answer, circle the correct letter for the person. Write marked by, and your name on the back of the quiz. Double count the total, record it on the first page at the top, and pass the quiz forward.
Quiz Answers
Vocab and Homework Check Take out your answers to the Chapter 12 questions. You will copy down the vocab for Chapters 13-14. Azzopardi Casselman P.4 Casselman P.5
New Reading Calendar Wed night chapter 13-14 Thurs night chapter 15 LONG WEEKEND Tues night chapter 16 Wed night chapter 17
Group Theme Project Day 2 Click on the image to access the Group Theme Assignment
Azzopardi Groups Friendship is crucial to survival. KLAY, JODI, MARYAM, OLIVER There is no such thing as a perfect human. ANSHI, RILEY, LAURA, MICHAEL Discrimination hurts others. BRIANNA, HOLDEN, NIKSANA, HANNA Diversity should be celebrated. JASMEET, SALMAN, SAM Religion can be misunderstood and used to control people. TANZIE, SERENA, SIVANAH, LEVI Life is change. CHRISTOPHER, ELVIN, JASLEEN, ZAYAAN Hypocrisy is a universal human condition. SNEHA, ANGELINE, HAMZA
Theme Project - Day 2 Meet with your group to complete the first task. Theme in Novel: Dot jot a list of places in the novel where the plot or something a character says or does clearly shows this theme. You should have at least 10 examples. Use your notes and the novel to find your proof.
Reading and Questions Begin reading chapters 13-14. Answer the corresponding chapter questions.
Homework Read Chapters 13-14 tonight Answer the Chapter 13 & 14 questions in PPEC format