30 Years War End of Wars of Religion
Notes before we begin If you look at this strictly as a religious conflict you will be SOOOO confused. It is religious AND political
Bohemian Phase Defenestration Frederick V (Protestant) v. Ferdinand (Catholic/Hapsburg) Results: Frederick escapes to the United Provinces Emperor Ferdinand took possession of Bohemia and declared it Catholic
Danish Phase King Christian IV (Lutheran) Catholic Ferdinand II wins Intervenes on behalf of protestants in Northern Germany Created Anti-Hapsburg/Catholic alliance with United Provinces (Also wanted Catholic Territories) Catholic Ferdinand II wins Edict of Restitution: prohibited Calvinism
Swedish Phase Gustavus Adolphus (Lutheran) Military genius 1st standing army of conscripts Used barrage of musket fire followed by immediate attack with pikes Lighter artillery pieces Dies in battle Ferdinand II wins (again), but makes peace by removing Edict of Restitution.
French Phase Cardinal Richelieu (Politique/Catholic/French) Attacks Ferdinand II (Catholic Hapsburg)
RESULTS OF 30 YEAR WAR Peace of Westphalia All German states free to determine their own religion France gained parts of Germany Hapsburgs are greatly weakened Religion and Politics are now separate Secular framework of governments emerge