Genre Reading 9 Mrs. Mueller.


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Presentation transcript:

Genre Reading 9 Mrs. Mueller

Memoir Form of nonfiction (true) The author is the narrator (first person point of view) Focuses on one memory, episode, or era in life (not entire life span) Usually describes how a person, event, animal, etc. impacted his/her life

Historical Fiction Form of fiction (not true) based on historical events authentic settings (real time and place) characters portrayed in realistic manner some characters may be actual people from history, but the story is fictional artistic mix of fiction and historical fact

Realistic Fiction form of fiction (not true) accurately reflects life as it could be lived today everything in the story could happen to real people living in our natural physical world the characters have normal human powers story may be set in real places, but the story is NOT based on history, nor does it contain elements of science fiction

Mystery Usually fiction (not true) The protagonist (main character) is usually and investigator, crime solver, spy, or involved in the mystery in some other way The plot revolves around a crime, secret, or puzzling situation Clues are given throughout the story, but the reader usually has to make inferences (guesses) Suspense is created by several possible solutions, with the actual solution not revealed until the end

Fantasy Form of fiction (not true) contains one or more of the following: supernatural occurrences characters with magical powers things with magical powers animals with human characteristics real people in fantastic places fantastic creatures or characters in real situations

Science Fiction Form of fiction (not true) Contains some sort of scientific element, such as outer space medicine technology Within the realm of possibility Characters have some believable traits/qualities

Others Humor Romance Sports fiction Adventure