TORNADO SAFTEY by : Abbie Garcia , Ankush Sharma , Ava Jorgensen, Giancarlo Acosta, Syed Zaidi , Xinchu Guo
About tornadoes! What hit and killed almost , nearly 1300 people? What can grow 660 feet wide across? … That’s right a tornado ! What makes a tornado ?, And how do these whirling , twirling tornadoes form? Well, when warm air (a warm front, crashes into cold air (a cold front), the wind speed will start to change . But then if the change of wind speed is strong enough, then the air will start rotating (going in circles) and it will extend to the ground .And once it does ,then it’s a full tornado! Tornadoes can be a danger to things and life’s .In the next slide you’ll learn about how you can tell a tornadoes coming!
How you can tell a tornadoes coming?..... There might be a severe thunderstorm. Because some times a tornado can form from a thunder storm. There can be a tornado warning in the radio or/and on the T.V. weather channel . But one of the best tools are… Your eyes and ears ! if you see a Tornado it is black, as well as big and bulky . Tornadoes look like a funnel shaped cloud. Tornadoes are dangerus and they move fast .Tornadoes sound like fright trains . They sound like growling and howling . If you hear and see all those things your probably caught in a tornado.
HOW TO PREPARE You can prepare for a tornado by having the following equipment: 1. Med kit/First aid kit. 2. Food and water for at least 3 days. 3. Battery charged radio. 4. Flashlights. 5. Blankets. If you don’t a emergency kit, that’s something fun you can do once you get home.
HOW TO PREPARE AT SCHOOL! Believe it or not, we all ready do things to practice at school for tornadoes, like the tornado drills when we all run in to the hallway crouch down next to the wall and cover are necks . Why we go in the hallway is because the hallways in are school don’t have windows so then no glass can cut through you. Why we cover our neck is because if anything is falling down, because of the wind forces of the tornado it won’t fall and hurt your neck.
WHAT TO DO AT HOME IN A TORANADO Stay away from things like phones lights and anything that uses electricity anything like metal too, like faucets sinks and tubs. Get away from windows because glass might cut you. Go to the lowest level of the house/basement. Or you can go to a interior room like bathrooms, closet, or hallway. And remember to protect your head!
WHAT TO DO OUTSIDE 1. Go in a ditch. 2. Get out of your car. 3. Crouch near a strong building. 4. Get off the street. 5. Get away from windows or doors. If you do all these things you will be safe during a tornado.
FUN FACTS 1) Tornadoes are rare in many parts of the United States. But they have occurred in all 50 states. 2) Oklahoma City has been struck by tornadoes 32 times in the past 90 years. 3) In 1931 a tornado in Minnesota lifted an 83-ton railroad with 117 passengers and carried it for 80 feet. 4) Tornadoes usually travel along the ground at 35 miles an hour, but some can go as fast as 70 miles per an hour.