Administrative Data The National Statistics Board Perspective


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Presentation transcript:

Administrative Data The National Statistics Board Perspective Patricia O’Hara, Chair NSB We framed seminar title in the form of a question Are We Making Progress? My presentation and indeed the title of the review that we are publishing today states that we are and that is what I want to talk about today. The NSB has been working to drive improvements in the ISS for many years. In 2015, we decided to set out what a world class statistical system should look like and we set out a number of actions that were needed to make this happen.

National Statistics Board Statutory body under the Statistics Act 1993 Guide strategic direction of CSO by establishing priorities for the compilation and development of official statistics; assessing the resources of staff, equipment and finance available for compilation of official statistics; arbitrating where necessary between CSO and other public authorities regarding extraction of statistics from records, or co-ordination of statistical activities. We framed seminar title in the form of a question Are We Making Progress? My presentation and indeed the title of the review that we are publishing today states that we are and that is what I want to talk about today. The NSB has been working to drive improvements in the ISS for many years. In 2015, we decided to set out what a world class statistical system should look like and we set out a number of actions that were needed to make this happen.

NSB Strategy Since 2003, NSB has promoted idea of the Irish Statistical System (ISS) Build quality data sets from the ISS and reduce burden by using Administrative Data more efficiently But limitations to linking the data, so NSB promoted idea of National Data Infrastructure (NDI) We framed seminar title in the form of a question Are We Making Progress? My presentation and indeed the title of the review that we are publishing today states that we are and that is what I want to talk about today. The NSB has been working to drive improvements in the ISS for many years. In 2015, we decided to set out what a world class statistical system should look like and we set out a number of actions that were needed to make this happen.

National Data Infrastructure Unique identifiers – personal, business and spatial – PPSN, UBI, Eircode Application of common standards across the public service Enable creation of Registers We framed seminar title in the form of a question Are We Making Progress? My presentation and indeed the title of the review that we are publishing today states that we are and that is what I want to talk about today. The NSB has been working to drive improvements in the ISS for many years. In 2015, we decided to set out what a world class statistical system should look like and we set out a number of actions that were needed to make this happen.

National Data Infrastructure We framed seminar title in the form of a question Are We Making Progress? My presentation and indeed the title of the review that we are publishing today states that we are and that is what I want to talk about today. The NSB has been working to drive improvements in the ISS for many years. In 2015, we decided to set out what a world class statistical system should look like and we set out a number of actions that were needed to make this happen.

NSB Strategy 2015-2020 A world class statistical system for Ireland More use of secondary sources – administrative data, Big Data, other private data sources. Registers based on admin data. Registers established elsewhere but based on National Data Infrastructure (NDI) and common standards across the public service Must happen through public sector engagement Will deliver better policy, administration and services Leading systems make less use of surveys and much greater use of administrative data and are increasingly trying to find ways of using other data sources securely. Successful linkage of data sets requires widespread use of unique identifiers – for people, places, and businesses – motto is Collect Once: Use Often Also requires common standards and measures………….. Good data and analysis can deliver better policy, more efficient and transparent administration and better services to the citizen. THIS NEEDS TO BE RECOGNISED AND CHAMPIONED IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE WHICH HAS VAST REPOSITORIES OF DATA…….

Realising the NSB Vision Strategic leadership and resources – DPER and OGCIO CSO Coordination Role Irish Government Statistical Service ICT/Data Strategies for Public Sector Legislation At lease 5 things need to happen Leadership critical – especially from DPER (department of Public Expenditure and Reform) and Office of Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) CSO coordination role – NSB challenge CSO to use it s full powers of coordination, but also changes to EU law gave CSO legally based coordination role. Peer Review IGSS – system of statisticians in government departments needs to be formalised and operate as a coherent system/entity Outside of CSO, need for both ICT and data strategies – distinctly different – in public service (hardware and software) Legislation vital to regulate how, when and where public data can be shared

Progress to date Public service initiatives CSMB leadership and actions – CS Renewal Broad concept of NDI Champions Group – Dashboard of Identifier coverage PPSN, UBI moving, but Eircode adoption slow Data Sharing and Governance legislation GCIO leadership role – Public Service ICT Strategy & OGCIO Public Service Data Strategy 2018-2022 NSB actively promoted Strategy and this is detailed in Review CSMB Action 24 of Civil Service Renewal Plan – Improving how data is collected managed and shared: DG CSO + 5 sponsors – NDI explicit part of Civil Service Renewal Plan CG – cross departmental – dashboard – PPSN pretty good, UBI moving, Eircode Slow D S & G legislation currently going through the Oireachtas will provide for the regulation of the sharing of information, including personal data, between public bodies; the regulation of the management of information by public bodies; the establishment of base registries; the collection of public service information; to establish the Data Governance Board; and so on. Passed by Seanad in October now will proceed through Dail

Progress to date CSO initiatives More resources to CSO Statistical system Coordination Unit (SSCU) Irish Government Statistical Service (IGSS) Pathfinder Projects Government have given considerably more resources to the CSO – NSB, New EU requirements and implement recommendations of Peer Review 2015. Enabled setting up of SSCU IGSS now have 21 statisticians in government depts Pathfinder projects – which you will hear about today…… Huge improvement in communications and dissemination and emphasis on quality with providers ISS CoP

Challenges Keeping up the momentum – CSMB and Champions Group have crucial role Advancing the use of Eircodes is vital Data Sharing and Governance legislation Privacy, data protection and sustaining trust All of this is very positive but we must keep up the momentum the CSMB crucial here as well as cross-departmental Champions Group. Need to continue to promote what good data can deliver in terms of policy, efficiency and improved public services more targeted etc Slow adoption of Eircodes major concern – adoption by Public Sector Bodies not mandatory. NSB believes that this is an obstacle to wider adoption ….need for Action Plan for adoption as crucial part of NDI The Board welcomes the fact that the Data Sharing and Governance legislation is progressing through the legislature and would urge that the importance of the use of unique identifiers, including the Eircode, be recognised in actions to give effect to this legislation. As regards privacy and data protection it is important to strike a balance between privacy and the ‘public good’. The enactment of GDPR in 2018 has changed the requirements for the processing of personal data. Data collection activities, as well as having a legal basis, now need to be proportionate, necessary and comply with the principle of data minimisation. Nowadays there is no longer a perceived single source of reality measurement. The convergence of social media and the data revolution has given rise to an environment where countless ‘facts’ can coexist unchecked. The challenge facing statistical authorities is to find ways to promote the value, quality and authenticity of official statistics as the basis for evidence-based decision making.

Functioning NDI will deliver Efficient use of existing data sources – collect once, use often Broader range of statistics with greater granularity – benefits for decision makers and citizens alike Consistency across the system Clarity on use of data collected Administrative efficiency and improved services for citizens Skills challenge – competition for scare skills such as data analytics and technology Quality ISS Code of Practice – ISSCoP logo as mark of quality and trustworthiness The Board welcomes the CSOs continuing efforts to utilise Big Data, and notes the potential of data from Mobile Network Operators to enhance or replace more traditional data sources in the compilation of official statistics. But the compilation of statistics exclusively based on Big Data sources is a challenge, not just for the CSO, but for National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) internationally. Communication – relevance What can and can’t be done……..especially granularity