Learning in Future Environments (LiFE) Tool kit for Champions 2018 WM to welcome & ack of Country
Yindyamarra winhanganha Vision Charles Sturt University (CSU) is widely recognised as a leader and role model in sustainability practice Sustainable behaviours and processes are embedded and regarded as normal practice across CSU Yindyamarra winhanganha
What is LiFE? A structure for collaborative analysis, decision-making and reporting CSU is already committed Goal is integration and normalisation of sustainability practice across all aspects Adopted by more than 70 institutions internationally
Sustainable Construction PRIORITY AREAS Leadership & Governance Partnership & Engagement Learning, Teaching & Research Facilities & Operations 16 FRAMEWORKS Biodiversity Staff Engagement Learning & Teaching Human Capital Water Research Leadership Community Engagement Resource Efficiency & Waste Student Engagement Business & Industry Interface Sustainable Construction & Renovation Ed Procurement & Supplier Engagement Sustainable ICT Transport Energy ACTIVITY AREAS Policy & strategy Action planning Stakeholder engagement Communication Training & support Links to curriculum Implementation Measurement
LiFE Implementation cycle Identified responsibilities - Champions 106 participants Established baseline ratings Developed 13 improvement Action Plans Re-evaluate via check-in’s Integrate Action Plan into other business plans Ed Reporting to University Council Implement Stories of most significant change (40)
Sustainability Statement “Nganga-dha garray-gu, bila-galang-gu Sustainability Statement “Nganga-dha garray-gu, bila-galang-gu! Yandu garray-bu bila-galang-bu nganga-girri nginyalgir. ‘Look after the land and the rivers, then the land and the rivers will look after you.’ ‘Yindyamarra Winhanganha ‘The wisdom of respectfully knowing how to live well in a world worth living in’ Charles Sturt University (CSU) recognises and acknowledges the diversity and unique position of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional owners and custodians of Australia and the islands of the Torres Strait, in accordance with local Indigenous laws and customs. CSU recognises that sustainable practices are inherent within Indigenous culture and seeks to learn from this. RECOGNITION, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, RESPONSIBILITY AND COMMITMENT CSU is committed to incorporating sustainability into its actions and practices as part of its responsibility to the community and the environment. This means promoting connections to the global community and environment through knowledge gained from research, utilising creative approaches to learning and teaching, formation of positive community partnerships and modelling sustainability via CSU’s campuses and online operations. The University takes the approach that Sustainability is a process that integrates environmental, social and economic considerations into decision making with the goal of creating a thriving and healthy society. Its focus is on improving the quality of life for all citizens without increasing the use of natural resources beyond the capacity of the environment to supply them indefinitely. Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. As Australia’s first certified carbon neutral University, CSU recognises that climate change remains one of the single greatest environmental and social challenges that we face as a species, and will actively seek to be part of the global response that is needed. CSU has adopted the Learning in Future Environments (LiFE) Index as a structured process for evaluating current practices that support or impede best sustainability practices and identifying strategies for improvement. As Australia’s leading university of inland Australia, CSU recognises the particular role and responsibility this tertiary educational institution has in promoting best sustainable practices including the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
LiFE timeline 2016: Baselines established for all frameworks 2012: CSU Adopts LiFE under 2013-15 Strategy 2013: First Leadership workshop conducted 2016: Baselines established for all frameworks 2017: - LiFE becomes basis of Sustainability Scorecard - All frameworks re-visited - Becomes common University KPI LiFE timeline 2018: LiFE Steering Committee established
A common University indicator
Annual schedule of check-in workshops Six month check-in with Champions Annual rating review (RR) workshop with all stakeholders Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Leadership Research Sustainable ICT Multi-frame workshop face to face for Biodiversity Resource efficiency & waste Utilities Sustainable construction & renovations Transport Student engagement Human capital & staff engagement LiFE Steering Committee Teaching & Learning Procurement and supplier engagement Community engagement Business & Industry interface July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Teleconferences for: Student Engagement Annual schedule of check-in workshops
CSU WAR ON WASTE May 2018 Winner national award from the Tertiary Access Group (TAG) for ‘Best Commercial Retail Campaign” for the CSU War On Waste Campaign.
CSU FLAGSHIP SPECIES SERIES May 2018 CSU‘s ILWS scientists wins ‘Most Valuable Team Ribbon’ in global 2018 University bioQuest app based game.
LiFE Steering Committee - governance LiFE SC and the VC’s VCLT edrs embedding of a LiFE kpi
CSU Annual Report O7-PI Sustainability Target: 5% annual improvement in the rating for each of the four LiFE Priority Areas
Projected pathway towards best practice target 5% annual increase in ratings
Training and support - ELMO module ‘Sustainability @ CSU’
Definition of best practice sheets Ed