Surveys Population- certain similar characteristics Sample- limited # of people Representative sample- accurate Gathering Info Questionnaire Interview Close/Open Ended Questions
Secondary Analysis & Field Research Pre Collected Data Gov’t reports, business records… Field Research Natural settings Case Studies- thorough investigation Participant Observation- researcher enters group Genie “The Wild Child” Anna- 5 years in small room Isabelle- deaf mother
Causation Events occur for a reason Multiple causation- several factors combined Correlation or Causation? Time when smoking rate was increasing and life expectancy was increasing. Smoking didn’t cause LE to rise. Improved Health Care
Variables & Correlations Characteristics: age, sex, edu…. Quantitative Var- numerical values (literacy rates) Qualitative Var- membership in category (sex, age) Independent Var- characteristics cause something to change: studying Dependent Var- characteristics that reflect change: grades Intervening Var- change relationship of independent and dependent variables: tutoring
Variables & Correlations Correlation measures relationships between variables Positive: study time rises/grade rises Negative: tv time rises/grade lowers
Variables & Correlations Standards of Correlation 2 variables must be correlated: less church=more delinquency Other factors: old age = less church and then delinquency Spurious Correlation- factors change end result- old age Change in Ind Var must happen before change in dependent var. Do people quit church before of after becoming delinquent?
Secondary Analysis Emile Durkheim “Suicide” Read pg 56-57