Delayed Evaluation Special forms in Scheme (e.g., if and cond) do not use applicative order evaluation Only one of two or more expressions is actually evaluated Evaluation of some expressions is delayed until after another is evaluated (e.g., a then b or c in (if a b c) in Scheme) With procedures another form of delay may occur Procedure does some computation before calling another May decide whether or not to call it at all Useful especially for recursive calls – selective descent of a data structure, termination conditions, etc.
Lazy Evaluation Six rules (the Scheme run-time environment follows) All arguments to user defined functions are delayed All local bindings (e.g., let and letrec) are delayed All arguments to constructors (e.g., cons) are delayed All arguments to other pre-defined functions (e.g., * and +) are forced (to be evaluated as soon as possible) All function valued arguments are forced All conditions in selection forms (e.g., if, cond) are forced Efficiency considerations: using delay, force yourself It’s efficient not to compute results you don’t need However, if a delayed expression is repeatedly evaluated then you can lose some of that benefit
Functions as Values Functions can be computed and returned by other functions, passed as arguments to other functions I.e., functions are “first class” data values Composition of one function with another If f : X → Y and g : Y → Z then (g ס f)(x) = g(f(x)) Composition is itself a higher-order function Function(s) as parameter(s) and/or returns another function
Stream Oriented Functional Programs A program may compute only part of a long list Allows the rest to be ignored if the program halts sooner A program may make arbitrary progress through a list Alternatively, allows the list to be unbounded in length Motivates a model of programs operating on streams Can abstract away notion of the length of a list Allows functional programs to handle abstractions like the standard input, output, and error streams, files, etc. Also known as the generator-filter programming model Taken farther, supports databases, etc. naturally Data input, output, and manipulation, user input, file input and output, etc. all handled similarly via interacting functions
Today’s Studio Exercises We’ll continue to look at ideas from Scott Chapter 10 Especially delayed evaluation, continuations, etc. Today’s exercises are again all in C++ Please take advantage of the on-line reference manual pages that are linked on the course web site The text books also may be helpful for some exercises As always, please ask us for help as needed When done, email your answers to the course account with subject line “Functional Programming Studio II” Send to