“Ex officio research of documents” and the Only Once Principle Implementation Presenter: Dr Antonios Stasis Hellenic Ministry of Administrative Reconstruction 6th Meeting of the EU Network on Public Administration and Governance THE ASPECTS OF THE “ONCE ONLY” PRINCIPLE (OOP) 17-18 May 2018 / HeracLion - Crete 17-18/05/2018
Current Situation: Citizens' Service Centres (KEPs) as mediator 2.500 KEP employees of Citizens Affairs sector+ more than 1.000 Municipal employees Service Immediate, efficient, fast and friendly service to the Citizens by the KEP employees Flexibility Extended service hours during working days (8:00 – 20:00) Saturday (8:00 – 14:00) Network size 1,060 KEPs in 325 Municipalities The one minute you want it, the other minute you've got! 9 out of 10 Citizens evaluate positively the service from the KEP employees 3 ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΤΙΚΗΣ ΜΕΤΑΡΡΥΘΜΙΣΗΣ & ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΝΙΚΗΣ ΔΙΑΚΥΒΕΡΝΗΣΗΣ
Holistic Approach to the Citizen’s and Business’ Service Physical presence E Services 10 ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΤΙΚΗΣ ΜΕΤΑΡΡΥΘΜΙΣΗΣ & ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΝΙΚΗΣ ΔΙΑΚΥΒΕΡΝΗΣΗΣ
How do we deal with a public administration process / service? The service is offered through manual interaction with service provider The service is offered through digital interaction with service provider The service is provided by ERMIS or eu-go portal – The result is stored in Users eSafe account The service is provided real time by ERMIS portal Abolition of the requirement to submit the supporting document / certificate 1 Visit KEP twice: Application– Result Reception Visit KEP once: Application and Result Reception 2 No visit– Electronic Result Reception at a later point in time 3 4 No visit – Electronic Result Reception immediately 5 Process Abolition through interoperability
«citizen-centered» public administration! Ηλεκτρονική Διακυβέρνηση και Πρότυπες Υπηρεσίες για τον Πολίτη «citizen-centered» public administration! SERVICE SUPPORTING DOCUMENT 1 CITIZEN APPLICATION, FEES SUPPORTING DOCUMENT 1, SUPPORTING DOCUMENT 2.. SUPPORTING DOCUMENT 2 FINAL RESULT SUPPORTING DOCUMENT 3 The citizen at .... centre! Citizen interaction ΚΑΤΣΙΚΟΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ Γ. - ΚΟΝΤΟΓΙΩΡΓΗΣ Δ. - ΡΑΝΤΟΣ Κ. - ΣΤΑΣΗΣ Α.
Digital interaction - example G2G - INTEROPERABILITY Digital interaction - example Enrollment to Primary and Secondary school – Citizen Registry certificates Abolition through the interconnection of the information systems of the Citizens Registry and the Education Information System (myschool) ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΤΙΚΗΣ ΜΕΤΑΡΡΥΘΜΙΣΗΣ & ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΝΙΚΗΣ ΔΙΑΚΥΒΕΡΝΗΣΗΣ
Considerations (1/2) Can we stop requesting citizens to submit supporting documents? Can we register citizen’s information once (only) and let the public administration re-use it? What is the role of KEPs and civil servants in this case? What kind of tools could help to effectively and efficiently search, identify, retrieve information from other IT systems? Are the data and information provided using a specific description? How are sectoral initiatives already in place integrated into a single service design? Do the actions of the public administration meet the requirements of the regulations of the European Commission (e.g. eIDAS, GDPR, DSGR)?
The idea…
Ex officio research of documents 1. Public Service Title Ex officio research of documents
2. Service Description The described electronic service empowers civil servants to work more efficiently and effectively as far it concerns the citizens’/ business’ applications that require supporting documents that should be searched ex-officio from the “Citizen’s Registry” (*). When a civil servant receives an application requiring a “Citizen's Registry” certificate as supporting document, executes the "electronic ex-officio search" through the respective system to get this document from the source, instead of requesting it from the citizen. This adds significant value to users (public servants) in terms of receiving the valid information from the respective source, speeding up the application process, as well as reducing citizen’s burden from the respective procedure. (*) and other sources of authentic information
3. Describe External Services, consumed by the Public Service Service Owner: Ministry of Administrative Reconstruction Consumed services: eIDAS authentication mechanism, National Notified eID scheme eIDAS node authentication (Ministry of Administrative Reconstruction) Service catalogues for automatic search Semantic representation services Citizen’s Register - 6 certificates / documents that are already available through ERMIS/ KEP-BO (Service provider the Ministry of Interior)
The Greek national OOP case National Services Layer Data Consumption (Citizen’s Registry electronic ex-officio search) e-Delivery for unstructured information e.g. documents Greek OOP Layer (Service Bus) National Data Layer Base Registers – Data Provision (Citizens Registry & Other IT Systems)