TransPHAT IP Radios Glenn Anderson Traffic Operations – System Operations Branch 2012 Traffic Engineers Meeting
TransSTAMP, what is it? A system to automatically monitor the performance of our roadways At this time we are focusing on arterials Easier to deploy on interstates
Bluetooth Approx 10% of vehicles have Bluetooth “on” Ubiquitous
TransSTAMP Concept of Operations A Bluetooth device constantly broadcasts its unique address (MAC) so that other devices can find it and pair with it. If you listen for passing devices you can match the address at downstream locations to determine the travel time.
Widely used
In-house solution
Why build in-house? Integration with existing radios and routers Remote communications to 1300 signals Existing network can handle the data Firewall problems previously worked through No duplicate maintenance costs KYTC devices share existing signal network Initial reader cost Commercial units - $5000 KYTC unit $200 Lower cost means we can install hundreds
Contractual issues Recurring charges Sole Source? Preferred business model is a service (service = continuous cash flow) Cellular charges (a router at every reader) $50/reader/month Data processing charges $50/reader/month, more cash flow Sole Source? Rebidding issues Apples vs Oranges if you have multiple vendors
GIS Integration No national standards for roadway coding County, Route, Milepoint KY milepoints start over at each county line Vendors forced into using least common denominator Google maps TIGER maps TransSTAMP uses the KYTC GIS layers We leverage our existing GIS data Segment speed limits Linking to traffic signal layer
Transparency in data processing Data ownership KYTC owns our data and can distribute as we see fit Data timeliness Readers are polled every 5 minutes Select segments will be automatically processed Transparency in data processing No “secret algorithms” Performance measures that we define and understand Still working on the PMs
Current Locations 75 TransSTAMP Readers: Paducah, Murray, Hopkinsville, Elizabethtown, Bardstown, Boone Co, Kenton Co, Frankfort, Versailles, London
Radcliff & E-Town
8 mile segment, US 60 Versailles to Frankfort, easy peasy
1 mile segment, Frankfort, Chenault to US 421
Another source of error – detection raduis 300’ range with no attenuation more attenuation = more precision but fewer samples
1.4 mile segment, Kenton Co. KY 17 Tuscany to I 275 85th percentile speeds: 6:00 – 7:00 46.7 mph 7:00 – 8:00 25.5 mph 8:00 – 9:00 44.9 mph 1.4 mile segment, Kenton Co. KY 17 Tuscany to I 275
Single point data – no matching “Delay” – number of times a single device is detected before it leaves the area “Volume” – raw number of unique MAC addresses detected
Pros Continuous 24/7 travel time runs by thousands of “real” drivers Long term trends visible Reduces the need for GPSTravel data collection Supports MAP-21 federal initiative Can identify the time of day a problem is occurring Can identify if the congestion on a certain day was abnormal Bonus data such as “delay” and “volume” O-D Studies possible
Cons Accuracy suffers on shorter segments For length < .3 mi the data is essentially unusable Delay includes all approaches Good for an overall PM of the arterial Bad since you cannot see just the coordinated direction Does not replace eyes in the field Does not show exactly where the delay is occurring or how to fix it Outlying data points inevitable
Sharing the data GIS Layer (future) Custom Segments and periods – call Standard Segments Standard Time Periods Standard Performance Measurements Color coded map Custom Segments and periods – call User friendly tool for analyzing data O-D tools (future)
Our biggest obstacle: Finance Cabinet IT Procurement $51
TransPHAT News Version 3.0.8 – April 2012 Adds some support for IP Radios
TransPHAT News Changes due to IP Radios Communicate with multiple signals simultaneously TransACT (Automatic Timing Comparison) not finished System Wide observe features may be possible Second by second display may be limited by radio bandwidth Automatic monitoring of RSSI and Temperature possible
TransPHAT News An update is coming Questions, Problems, Suggestions? LabVIEW 2012 Run Time Engine Full installation will be required for next version At least its not Adobe Flash Player… Questions, Problems, Suggestions? Very little feedback the last few years – is this good?
New Controllers, The Future?
IP Radios Old network New network Ethernet (router) at master cabinet Serial radios at locals New network Ethernet radios at each local Multiple devices can now share the network TransSTAMP Conflict Monitors Cameras Detectors Controllers
IP Radio Benefits Small size Extremely sensitive – good range Remote Access and diagnostics Multiple Repeating possible Network ID is text – easier to interpret Easy to program Serial and Ethernet interface Lower cost by about 1/2
Repeating Example: 3 levels of repeaters
IP Radios – current issues “De sensitization” in certain installations Repeaters? Cabinets/Poles/Spans with grounding problems New model adds additional surge protection Have same problems with Encom 5200, we just do not have the ability to see it happening remotely
Remote management via browser IP address of the router ID of the traffic signal The number 51000 Port = 51000+ID (#6) Username = admin Password = zombie
Reports Users List Use of reports, questions, comments 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 11, 11, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Reports Users List Use of reports, questions, comments
Questions? 502-564-9900 x3888