Constipation Caused when you can not pass solid waste out of rectum Traveling Not enough fiber Not enough exercise Not enough water Prune juice, more water, fiber, exercise Do not use laxatives unless prescribed
Diarrhea Is a symptom of a problem food poisoning, bacterial infection-Salmonella or E-coli virus- Norovirus Loose watery stools Frequent trips to the bathroom Loss of fluids and electrolyte Can cause dehydration and can be life threatening. Gatorade, pedialyte, clear fluids No fruit juice BRAT diet-bananas, rice, apple sauce, tea If it does not get better in 2 days, see DR. Imodium AD
E coli
Appendicitis Abdominal pain lower right side Stomach ache that gets worse Fever Vomit Cannot stand on right foot Surgery to remove appendix Antibiotics If not caught in time and appendix bursts, can cause death
Heart Burn and Indigestion Burning in esophagus/ stomach ache Caused by acid backing up from stomach Caused by eating too much, wrong foods or too fast Rest Antacids Take a walk
Stomach/Colon Cancer Tumor in the stomach or large intestine-colon Older people tend to get this disease-can run in families or because of poor diet Surgery for tumor Chemo and radiation-early detection for successful treatment
Ulcers Caused when HCl burns a hole in stomach Caused by bacteria H pylori Can be caused by alcohol, smoking, and medicine such as aspirin Cured with antibiotics and acid reducers Not caused by stress
Gallstones Caused by stones that form in the gallbladder Severe pain that mimics a heart attack Diet related-people who eat foods high in fat can get them Genetic Bile and cholesterol build up to form stones Surgery to remove the gall bladder Stones may pass or not cause problems
Celiac Disease Allergic to gluten-which is found in wheat products Create an immune response and inflammation of intestines occurs when you eat the gluten. Can not eat anything with gluten Avoid products with Gluten