Chemical Hygiene Plan Review What is Chemical Hygiene? It is a method or system to ensure that workers are informed of the hazards associated with exposure to chemicals and chemical products that they work with and how they can protect themselves. You are here because you work with or may be exposed to potentially hazardous chemicals or chemical products as you perform your job. Chemical Hygiene training is a Federal requirement for those individuals who work with or may be exposed to hazardous materials.
Chemical Hygiene Plan CHP Review Objectives Reduce chances for lab accidents Avoid unnecessary exposure Regulation compliance
General Awareness Chemical Hygiene Plan Understanding MSDSs You will be provided with information you need to use hazardous chemicals safely. This presentation was designed as a means of providing individuals with the necessary Chemical Hygiene review. The CHP requirement was designed to inform workers of the potential hazards associated with the materials they work with, and to ensure that they receive the necessary training on how to protect themselves. For this reason, the Chemical Hygiene Plan must include chemical labeling, Material Safety Data Sheets, the elements of a written program. This slide presentation will cover the purpose, who’s responsible for what, what are MSDSs and where you can find them in your work area, some basic protective measures, and some general emergency procedures. Chemical Hygiene Plan Understanding MSDSs
Overview General Rule and Procedures Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Housekeeping procedures Choosing Hazardous Chemicals Labeling, Storage, and Disposal Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) Protective Clothing Requirements Emergency Procedures Every employee working in a laboratory setting (Chemistry and Biology Laboratories at LC) and who uses hazardous chemicals, must have access to a Chemical Hygiene Plan. For this reason, LC developed and implemented a Chemical Hygiene Plan. The plan must reflect what employee are doing in their particular work place and include a list of all potential hazardous chemicals. This slide shows the contents of our written plan. We will cover the details of our written Chemical Hygiene Plan in more depth now. Go to next slide
CHP Review shall occur: In advance of laboratories Prior to new tasks involving hazardous chemicals
Information and Training General Awareness Campus Preparation Locate Chemical Hygiene Plan Contains specific hazards, SOP’s, potential exposures, and protective measures Refer all safety questions to Science Lab Director Employee Review Record – Maintained on file You are being provided with general information on the Chemical Hygiene Standard, our plan, MSDSs, protective measures, and emergency procedures. There is a ‘Chemical Hygiene Review Certification Form’ to track this yearly mandatory review. You will find this form on slide # 43. When you have completed the slides you should complete the form and submit it to the Lab Director. When I receive the record, I will file it.
Purpose and Policy Purpose: Policy: Ensure that the hazards are evaluated Convey information to lab supervisors Policy: Employees are entitled to a safe and healthy place to work, and Have a right to know what you may be exposed to and how to protect yourself You will see that the purpose of the plan is to ensure that the hazards of the products that are use on campus are evaluated and that information about them is conveyed to you, the users of the products. The policy of LC is that everyone is entitled to a safe and healthy place to work. You also have a right to know what you may be exposed to and how to protect yourself and your students.
Responsibilities Develop and implement a written Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) Inventory all hazardous materials in Department and acquire all related Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) Identify hazards by labeling chemicals Train employees on physical and health hazards and protective measures The five bulleted items on this slide outline the main components of the Chemical Hygiene Standard. Any employer who uses hazardous materials in a laboratory setting, must comply with all components of the Standard. For this reason, A written plan must be developed and implemented; all hazardous materials in the laboratories must be identified through an inventory; all the necessary MSDSs must be acquired and appropriate hazards identified; the materials need to be labeled with the appropriate hazards and the affected individuals provided with the necessary information, training and personal protective equipment. The employer must provide initial and periodic monitoring for any regulated substance if there is reason to believe that a laboratory employee is routinely exposed to any regulated chemical above the action level. The employee will be notified with 15 days after the employer receives the results.
Employee Responsibilities Follow all procedures and policies relating to chemicals and follow appropriate laboratory procedures and rules as outlined in the CHP Refrain from lab operations without proper preparation Seek out and request information Wear appropriate protective equipment Report accidents and near-misses immediately, even minor injuries or exposures to the Lab Director Our CHP also details who is responsible for what. I mentioned before that you have certain rights to know safety information about the materials you may work with. Along with these rights you also have a responsibility to use this information to protect yourself. It is important that you wear any protective equipment that may be required for your lab. The last bullet talks about the need to report accidents immediately. Most of the time, people are reluctant to report minor incidents. The purpose of reporting accidents is so that they can be prevented in the future.
Administrative Controls Chemical Hygiene Coordinator Duty assignment Science Lab Director Ensure lab supervisors know their responsibilities under the Chemical Hygiene Plan Vigilance: Be alert to unsafe conditions and see that they are corrected when detected.
Operational Controls Basic Standard Operating Procedures Information Dissemination and Inspections Weekly inspections are conducted by the following: Chemistry faculty conducts weekly inspection of the Chemical Storage Area room. Microbiology faculty conducts weekly inspection of microbiology labs when class is in session. Art Faculty conducts weekly inspection of Art area. Physical Plant staff conducts weekly inspection for the Universal Waste Shed.
Basic Standard Operating Procedures Rules and procedures Safety Rules and guidelines Chemical procurement, storage and inventory procedures Spill and accident procedures Personal protection apparel and equipment Information dissemination, documentation Emergency response
Specific Standard Operating Procedures Included and specific to each lab procedure No required format or delivery Required content: Hazard controls Personal protective equipment Health & safety information Decontamination & waste disposal procedures
Engineering Controls Fume Hoods Biosafety Cabinets Less hazardous Substitution
“Other” Control Measures Protective Equipment Respirators, goggles, gloves, lab coats Safety Equipment Safety showers, eyewashes, fire extinguishers, first aid kits, Laboratory Maintenance and Inspection Safety inspections, fume hood condition, chemical storage, spill kits, etc.
Exposure Assessments Policy on monitoring Signs or symptoms of overexposure You suspect exposure limits have been exceeded Determined & carried out by First Responders
Regulated Waste Management Wastes Considered Non-Hazardous Listed/Hazardous Medical Waste Universal Deposit chemical waste in appropriately labeled receptacles and follow all other waste disposal procedures of the Chemical Hygiene Plan. Hazardous Waste Types: hazardous waste types below to learn more. Listed Wastes: Wastes that EPA has determined are hazardous. The lists include the F-list (wastes from common manufacturing and industrial processes), K-list (wastes from specific industries), and P- and U-lists (wastes from commercial chemical products). Medical waste: This definition includes, but is not limited to:culture dishes and other glassware discarded surgical gloves, discarded surgical instruments, discarded needles used to give shots or draw blood (e.g., medical sharps)cultures, stocks, swabs used to inoculate cultures, removed body organs (e.g., tonsils, appendices, limbs)discarded lancets Universal Wastes: Batteries, pesticides, mercury-containing equipment (e.g., thermostats) and lamps (e.g., fluorescent bulbs).
Hazardous Chemical Inventories An inventory of chemicals on hand is required. The inventory should include chemicals stored or used in the building/department for cleaning, maintenance, operations/labs.
Hazardous Chemicals Locations On Campus May Include: We have developed an inventory of the chemicals we use in our laboratories. In the storage room and the Lab Directors office there isa list of all the hazardous materials/chemicals used in the department. Please spend some time familiarizing yourself with it’s contents. Refer any questions or concerns to the Lab Director. The list must be updated each academic year.
Hazardous Chemicals In Laboratories May Consist Of: Corrosives - Nitric Acid Oxidizers - Silver Nitrate General Organic Compounds - Aniline Caustics - Calcium Oxide Reactive Metals - Sodium Explosive Anhydrides and Anhydrous Compounds - Sodium Peroxide Ketones - Acetone Poisons - Potassium Cyanide General Inorganic Compounds - Calcium Carbide Flammable Metals - Magnesium Flammables - Ethanol, Butanol, Ethyl Ether Carcinogens - Formaldehyde This slide shows a comprehensive list of the types of chemical products we might use in the laboratories. These chemicals are mostly used as part of student laboratory experiments.
Hazard Communication Color coded system
Labels - Basics Identity of the hazardous chemical(s) chemical label is your primary source of information regarding the product. Appropriate hazard warnings Since the labels should be adequate as they are received, we rely on the labels to provide us with the appropriate hazard information. Just remember that it’s important to maintain the label and transfer the information if the chemical product is transferred to another container. On exception to this rule is, if the chemical is being used only by the same individual that transferred it to a new container during the course of their lab session, then it is not necessary to transfer all of the hazard information. However, the container should be labeled at least with the identity of the chemical in full. If there is some chemical left over at the of the lab session, then it either needs to be transferred back to the original container or labeled with the appropriate hazard warnings. Most manufacturers go beyond the basic information and have developed their own labels. NSCC has adopted a commercially available labeling system to augment the manufacturer’s label known as the Hazardous Material Identification System (HMIS), more about this in the following slides.
Labels & Other Information Appropriate personal protective equipment Signal word - Danger!, Warning!, or Caution! Statement of hazard Instructions in case of contact or exposure First-Aid or antidote Instructions in case of fire, spill, or leak Instructions for container handling and storage Never remove label, and if transferred to a secondary container, label the bottle (not the lid) with appropriate information - chemical name, etc. Properly label all chemicals with full English name (no chemical structures or abbreviations), hazards, date and responsible party. Proper chemical labeling is an important step in emergency planning and prevention. In the event of an incident such as fire or personal exposure, identifying the physical and health hazards of chemicals can be critical in minimizing adverse health effects and property damage. Improperly labeled and/or unidentified chemicals can ultimately end up as “unknown” chemical waste. Determining the contents of an “unknown” chemical is an involved and costly process and also presents unique concerns and hazards for chemical waste handlers and to the environment. Please take care to avoid creating “unknown” chemicals in your laboratory.
HMIS Label - Example Secondary Labeling System This is an example of a Hazardous Materials Information System (HMIS) label. The Hazardous Materials Information System uses a 0-4 numerical rating, 4 being most hazardous, 0 being minimal. Note all chemicals have some degree of toxicity. This system provides us with a quick method to assess the occupational hazard of a particular material. It also tells what protective equipment should be worn. For instance, C is for safety glasses, gloves, and an apron. You don’t have to memorize what the letters stand for, because there is a chart posted in each laboratory and on the inside cover of the CHP notebook which explains all of the safety numbers and letter codes. The MSDS also provides this information for you. The color blue is used for health, red for flammability, and yellow for reactivity. . A similar system is the NFPA label that was developed for emergency responders. The NFPA label uses the same colors but is diamond shaped and doesn’t list Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) but lists special hazards for fire fighters. Generally speaking these ratings are not as severe as the HMIS labels because they do not take into account long term exposure and chronic health effects, since they are more concerned about short term exposure in fire fighting situations.
Labels- Symbols and Pictures Here’s a couple more examples of labels with symbols and hazard warnings. You might see these in addition to written warnings and information. The label on the left is similar to the DOT’s flammable liquid label which is used for transportation of hazardous materials.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS’s) Chemical document put out by manufacturer detailing physical and health hazards One for every hazardous chemical on campus Master file located in Lab Directors office Review before working with any chemical Your next best source of safety information after the label is the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). An MSDS is a chemical bulletin put out by chemical manufacturers detailing the physical (explosive/reactive) and health (irritation/lung damage/cancer causing) hazards. Even if the product is considered ‘non-toxic’, the MSDS provides a lot of useful information about the product. For this reason, LC requires that one requests an MSDS when ordering any new chemical products. MSDSs are created by the manufacturer and transferred to the supplier and then onto the employer. It is the responsibility of the employer to disseminate this information to the employees. A master file of MSDSs for all the chemical products on campus is kept in the Lab Directors office. However, each department also has their own file of MSDSs for the chemicals they use. Every employee must have access to all appropriate MSDSs (of all the hazardous chemicals they work with). The important thing to remember is to review an MSDS before working with a chemical product, especially chemicals newly introduced into your work area.
Information on MSDSs Identity and date of preparation Manufacturer’s name, address, and telephone number Hazardous ingredients Physical and chemical properties - flash pt., appearance and odor, etc. The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) require chemical manufacturers to include the following information on MSDSs: The identity of the product, including all chemical synonyms. The name, address and emergency telephone # of the manufacturer. All of the hazard components of the product (usually identifies % - if the hazard ingredients are 1% or greater, then the whole product is considered hazardous; if 0.1% (or greater) of the ingredients are carcinogenic, then the whole product becomes a carcinogen. The MSDS also lists the chemical and physical properties of the product, which include the flash point, from which as you can recall, we can determine the ‘Flammability’ rating for the HMIS label. Also included is a description of the appearance and odor which is very important information to have in the event of a spill to limit possible overexposure.
Information on MSDSs Control measures Physical hazards Routes of entry into body Acute and chronic health effects Carcinogenicity Handling and storage precautions The MSDS must also identify: The Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required to use a product safely - safety glasses, gloves, apron, respirator, etc. The physical hazards of the chemical - whether or not if it’s explosive, flammable or reactive. The routes of entry into the body - eyes, skin and inhalation. Acute (short term) and Chronic (long term) health effects and it will also identify specific problems for users with pre existing health problems, for example, it might say “ if suffering from emphysema, do not use this product” , or “use only in well ventilated areas”. It will say if the product is considered to be a carcinogen and recommend OSHA safe exposure guidelines. It will recommend safe handling and storage guidelines, for example, if the product is flammable it might say - ‘Do not use around open flames and other sources of ignition - store below 120 degrees Fahrenheit’.
Chemical Sensitivities Some hazardous chemicals are used Immune responses and sensitivities can vary among individuals Low-dose exposures over longer periods of time can alter function of immune system Most of us work around chemical products everyday and experience few if any symptoms, but there seems to be a growing number of individuals who are developing sensitivities to chemicals in their environments. In a recent study conducted, 15-30% of the general population reported some sensitivity to chemicals and 4-6% reported that chemical intolerance has a major impact on the quality of their lives. At present very little is known about how these sensitivities develop, but evidence is pointing towards chemicals they encounter in their environment. Each individual’s immune system may respond differently to a chemical exposure incident, so one needs to keep this in mind when comparing one’s physical response to that of a co-worker.
Chemical Sensitivities Effects may develop slowly Symptoms may include Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Contact Dermatitis Examples include – nickel compounds, amines, epoxides, some organic solvents
Protective Measures Routes of entry Exposure = Dose x Duration Inhalation Ingestion Skin or eye contact, and/or absorption Exposure = Dose x Duration There are four ways that chemicals can enter the body. By inhalation or breathing the chemical in, by ingestion, by contact with the eyes or skin and by injection. The latter route could occur in an occupational setting by a cut sustained from broken glass or a similar method. Exposure depends on the nature of the material, how much is taken in, and how long the exposure lasts. Other factors such as age, physical well being, and gender also have an impact on the exposure. A lot of people like to drink coffee. And the ingredient in coffee that we like so much is caffeine. In concentrated form, caffeine is very toxic. The concentration in a cup of coffee is not generally harmful. If you drink a few cups of coffee each day your body is able to metabolize the caffeine. But if you were to drink, a whole pot at one sitting, your body would be overwhelmed by the caffeine and react negatively.
Protective Measures Avoid Inhalation Use proper ventilation (Fume Hood) Use respiratory protection (Respirator) Check MSDS for specific requirements So what you want to do is to try and prevent or minimize exposure. What are some things you can do to accomplish this? Refer to the MSDS for specific requirements before using a new product. Pay particular attention to a product when you read something like “use only with adequate ventilation”. Very often, you are dealing with a hazardous chemical.
Protective Measures Prevent Ingestion NO eating, drinking, smoking, or applying cosmetics in labs Wash hands frequently Label everything Read labels and MSDSs To prevent ingestion, after working with chemicals always wash your hands, especially before eating. Never try to identify chemicals by tasting them.
Protective Measures Prevent Skin or Eye Contact Wear protective equipment Minimize the area of exposed skin To prevent skin/eye contact and absorption, probably the single most important thing you can do when there is the chance of exposure from a potentially hazardous chemical is to wear these: safety goggles/glasses or more specifically, chemical splash goggles. The eye is particularly vulnerable to damage from chemicals especially corrosive materials such as strong acids or strong bases or caustics. Gloves offer excellent protection for the skin. Refer to the MSDS for the suggested glove material (rubber, nitrile etc) to offer maximum protection. This information can also be found on the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in the Chemical Hygiene Notebook.
Protective Measures - Review Avoid Inhalation Use proper ventilation Use respiratory protection when needed Prevent Ingestion No eating, drinking, smoking, or apply cosmetics in labs Wash hands frequently These measures provide a general overview. For specific details, please refer to the MSDS located in your work area.
Protective Measures - Review Prevent Skin or Eye Contact Wear protective equipment Minimize the area of exposed skin These measures provide a general overview. For specific details, please refer to the MSDS located in your work area.
Handle With Caution Use cautious approach Read labels, follow their directions Think about consequences Treat all substances as if they are hazardous Practice good chemical hygiene Working with chemical products involves a little common sense. Reading labels sounds simple and yet most people don’t actually take the time to stop and read the label. Following directions means, the label directions, manufacturer’s instructions, or precautions on the MSDS. Good chemical hygiene includes the items discussed previously. Wash your hands, don’t eat or drink around chemicals, and don’t store food with chemicals or chemicals with food.
Emergency Procedures Chemical Spills Evacuate and call Public Safety at 911 for larger spill (>1-gallon) situations Treat life threatening injuries immediately Contain the spill – refer back to MSDS Wear protective equipment during clean-up Best response is preparation Be familiar with the alarm system in your area. If the incident could threaten the health of individuals in the building or area, activate the alarm. At a minimum notify those in your area and co-workers on campus. Attend to injured personnel if you are able to do so without jeopardizing your own safety. Don’t put yourself at risk, unnecessarily. You have to decide whether or not you can handle the spill situation. A significant number of the chemicals that we use in the science laboratories are considered to be toxic and pose adverse health effects. So if you are not sure you can handle it, then the best course of action is to notify the Lab Director or our Chemist or campus security at x3400 and evacuate. If possible, you would want to try to confine the spill to prevent it from spreading. Additionally, limit access to the area with barricades or appropriate warning signs. Notify others and get help. Don’t try to clean up a spill by yourself. You may have to wear some form of protective equipment during a cleanup because of the greater chance for exposure. Where would you get the information on what type of protective equipment is necessary? The MSDS should contain information on emergency procedures and clean up methods. Also, the Standard Operating Procedures located in the Chemical Hygiene Plan, detail appropriate actions for spill situations. It only helps you if you read ahead of time. It’s usually too late after the spill occurs.
Emergency Procedures Personal Contamination Flush contaminated area with water Remove contaminated clothing Rinse with water for 15 minutes Seek medical attention if irritation persists Here is the general procedure to follow if a chemical is spilled on your body or splashes in your eyes. There are emergency showers around campus where hazardous chemicals are used. Many chemicals will cause damage and burns to the skin. So they must be rinsed off immediately. Wash exposed skin thoroughly and contact a physician if an irritation persists. The other thing to keep in mind is that all contaminated clothing must be removed. Clothing traps the chemical against the skin. So even if you rinse you will still get burned if the clothing is not removed. Take a look at your work area and determine the closest water supply.
Emergency Procedures Chemical in the Eye(s) Flush eyeballs and inner eyelids Forcibly hold eyes open Irrigate for at least 15 minutes Seek medical attention immediately The procedure for eye rinsing is the same except that you use an eye wash if one is available. An eye wash station consists of a bowl with two streams of water that flush both of the eye balls simultaneously. You must forcibly hold open your eyelids. The eye is vulnerable to all chemicals, especially corrosives. Strong bases like ammonium and sodium hydroxide can cause blindness if not treated immediately. As a general rule, flush the eyes under a continuous stream of water for 15 minutes and contact a physician if an irritation persists. Take a look at your work area and determine the closest eye wash station.
Summary You may be exposed to hazardous chemicals or chemicals products used on campus Information is available on labels and MSDSs A CHP is in place in your work area to inform you This has been an overview of our Chemical Hygiene Plan at LC. Hopefully you come away from this tutorial at least knowing: That you may be exposed to hazardous materials in your work area. That information in the form of MSDSs, Standard Operating Procedures (in the Chemical Hygiene Plan) and labels is available, and That there is a plan in place to provide you with information and training so that you can work safely with chemicals in your work area.
Chemical Hygiene Review Certification Form By signing below you acknowledge that you are aware of the Chemical Hygiene Plan. I: know where the Workplace Chemical List/Chemical Inventory is located and understand its purpose. know how to interpret labels and MSDSs. know where the Department MSDSs are located. understand the protective measures, first aid procedures and emergency procedures necessary for the chemicals I use. know that the Hazardous Materials Safety Manual is available in the Lab Directors office. understand that there are special procedures and requirements for managing chemical and hazardous waste and that these materials must not be poured down the drain or placed in the regular trash. understand that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that laboratory workers be made aware of the Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) (29 CFR 1910.1450). This form will be used to document your review of the CHP. Due prior to lab. Please print, date, sign for my records. Terrie Blumenauer, Environmental Stewardship & Science Lab Director Louisburg College Phone 919-497-3425 FAX 919-497-1788 Date Printed Name Signature