C ORROSIVE C HEMICALS 2010 Safety Manual & Laboratory Safety Chemical Hygiene Plan, p M AY 10, 2011
Major classes: strong acids, strong bases, dehydrating agents, oxidizing agents. Cause skin erosion; particularly damaging to the eyes. Inhalation can cause severe bronchial irritation. Flush exposed skin with water for at least 15 minutes. Then seek medical treatment! G ENERAL I NFORMATION
These include concentrated sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide, phosphorus pentoxide, and calcium oxide. To avoid violent reactions and spattering always add the agent to water. These substances cause severe burns on contact with skin because of their affinity for water. Affected areas should be washed promptly with large volumes of water. D EHYDRATING A GENTS
Fire and explosion hazards on contact with organic compounds and other oxidizable substances. Familiarize yourself with recommended operating procedures before handling. O XIDIZING A GENTS
Corrosive chemicals should be used in the fume hood. When working with large quantities of corrosives, wear gloves, face shields, lab coats, and rubber aprons. S PECIAL H ANDLING P ROCEDURES
Store in cabinets, under the hood or on low shelves. Keep containers not in use in storage areas and off bench tops. Use a safety carrier or cart for transport. S PECIAL H ANDLING P ROCEDURES