Native Americans AH 10
Reservation An Indian reservation is a legal designation for an area of land managed by a federally recognized Native American tribe under the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs rather than the state governments of the United States in which they are physically located There are approximately 310 Indian reservations in the United States although there are more than 550 federally recognized tribes.
Dawes Act authorized the President of the United States to survey Native American tribal land and divide it into allotments for individual Native Americans. -1887 - promised you citizenship if you lived separately from the tribe and accepted allotments. Impact of Homestead Act (1862) Assimilation Reservations life leads to loss of tribal ways Schools like Carlisle seek to “KILL THE INDIAN, SAVE THE MAN”
Wounded Knee Members of the U.S. 7th Cavalry attacked and killed between 130 and 250 Sioux men, women and children at Wounded Knee, South Dakota. Last free tribe now confined to a reservation.
Carlisle School