Literacy in Reception Reading ELG: Children read and understand simple sentences. They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately. They also read some common irregular words. They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read. Writing ELG: Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. They also write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.
Talk with me Children learn to talk and listen a long time before they learn to read and write. The more they practise talking and listening the more they will build the language and communication skills that they will need throughout life.
Letters and Sounds During the Foundation Stage your children are taught how to read and write using the Letters and Sounds teaching programme.
There are 6 phases in total: Phase 1 - 4 Reception Phase 4/5 - Year One Phase 5/6 - Year Two This is a brief summary of the first 3 phases. Phase 1 This supports the development of speaking and listening skills, which are crucial for children to make a good start on reading and writing. Children are encouraged to 'tune in' to different sounds and experience a variety of language and talking opportunities.
Phase 2 Most children in the Reception Year will be working through Phase 2 and beyond, but this depends entirely on their particular level of development. This phase introduces children to letters and the sounds that they make. We call this 'Phonics'.
Let's explain...... Phoneme - the smallest unit of sound in speech Grapheme - the written representation of a phoneme. Graphemes can be made from 1, 2, 3 or more letters working together to make one sound, for example...
The children are taught to give the sound when shown the grapheme (written letter) and to find the grapheme when given the sound.
These are the skills they need for reading and writing. Children are also taught how to blend sounds together (c - a - t = cat) and how to take sounds apart (segmenting) (cat = c - a - t) These are the skills they need for reading and writing. The names of the letters are taught within Phase 2.
High Frequency Words Children are taught to read high frequency words. Some can be de-coded (and) and some are 'tricky' (to, the) Children will bring home a mixture of decodable and tricky words in a word packet.
Rhyme, rhythm and repetition Playing with sounds is great fun but it is also an important part of learning how language works. Nursery Rhymes
Read with me Spending time together with a book is priceless – have fun making up voices to the characters in the story, cuddle up without any distraction from the TV or radio and get lost in the magic books can bring! How often do you take your child to the library?
St Thomas Library
PLEASE LEAVE BOOKS IN BOOK BAGS WE WILL CHANGE AS REQUIRED Throughout the week children will choose books from the class library and from the school library. Please find time to share these books with your child. PLEASE LEAVE BOOKS IN BOOK BAGS WE WILL CHANGE AS REQUIRED
Evening Story Time Monday 12th November 2018 5:30pm – 6:15pm PJ’s, hot chocolate and stories
Writing 'Learning to write is not hard, painful or boring if you do it at the right time or in the right order'. Alistair Bryce-Clegg
If you can't say it, can you write it? What skills do you think children need to be writers? Being aware of their own bodies Self-confidence Experience of mark making Something to write about (a purpose for writing)
Letter-like forms
Strings of letters
Beginning sounds
Beginning words
Phonetic writing
Letter formation handout to follow. Handwriting Children are taught the correct formation of each letter shape using letter families. Letter formation handout to follow. Please do not use capital letters inappropriately.