Hellenistic Era Science, Mathematics, and Philosophy
Science/Math The Academy Greek language/ideas spread throughout western Asia and Northern Africa Alexandria- Major learning center- 500,000 scrolls
Astronomy/Physics Aristarchus- Heliocentric theory (sun center of the universe) Eratosthenes- Circumference of the Earth (very close)
Mathematics Pythagoras- Theorem a2 + b2 = c2. Euclid- wrote elements- a textbook on plane geometry
Archimedes Geometry of Spheres and Cylinders Pi Levers Ray Gun Inventions: water screw, specific gravity https://www.cs.drexel.edu/~crorres/Archimedes/contents.html
Biology Aristotle- Collected and Characterized plants Ideas about natural selection Living organisms came from the sea Study of fossils
Medicine Hippocrates- disease is caused naturally (not supernatural) Characterized illnesses Crisis Point theory- You win or disease wins Doctor’s Oath
Philosophy- Epicureanism Epicureanism- Free to follow own self-interest - Happiness is the goal, the pursuit of pleasure, the only true good - Pleasure: free from emotional turmoil(worry) - detach from public activity, center life on friends
Philosophy- Stoicism Story of Zeno: lost possessions, taught that material possessions were not necessary to be happy Live in harmony with the will of God Only worry about what you can control Public service is good
Philosophy- Cynicism Live a simple life- free from wealth, power, health, and fame Live in agreement with nature False judgments of those things above cause suffering Look up to Hercules Jesus a Jewish Cynic?