PHASE 1 Read and underline the question. First read the question carefully. Then underline all important parts that are either relevant to your answer or are part of the question. Many essays have multiple parts to the question and you need to make sure that you answer all parts.
PHASE 2 Brainstorming & Organization. Write down everything about every part of the question that you can think of (for this exercise, you can use your book if necessary) including specific facts. Choose the facts that you want to use in your essay. Then organize those facts in order of the paragraphs of information you will be writing.
Phase 3 Create your thesis. It needs to answer the question. In essence, it is a mini answer to the question, that if removed from the essay would be a short answer to the essay question. It needs to be specific enough that I will understand what your body paragraphs will be elaborating on (a, b, c – paragraphs). *Typically, your introductory paragraph will introduce the topic and the thesis will summarize your answer at the end of the intro paragraph.
Phase 4 Write your essay. Start with an intro paragraph that leads into your thesis. Add body paragraphs that elaborate on your thesis. Each paragraph should match up with the topics in your thesis(a, b, c –paragraphs). Make sure you are following your plan. Be sure to include at least 15-25 specific supporting facts and explain how they support your answer.
Phase 5 Proofread your essay. Read it slowly and deliberately to check for accuracy and clarity. Count the number of specific supporting facts.